고용24 APK 1.1.0

Feb 24, 2025

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Integrated employment service app for workers and companies

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Detailed Description

ㅇ Comprehensive information on personal service employment support, unemployment benefits, maternity leave benefits, parental leave benefits, and job training
ㅇ Comprehensive information on corporate service recruitment support for young people, the elderly, and foreigners, new recruitment, employment maintenance, flexible work, and job transition subsidies, and worker training

「Employment 24」 is an integrated employment service portal for workers and companies. In order to get closer to citizens in need, we have integrated nine websites, including Worknet, Employment Insurance, HRD-net, National Employment Support, and Foreign Employment (EPS), into one and improved the ability to use all employment services in one place.

Now, if you are a young person who wants to take your first step into society, you can apply for job search skills or corporate job experience, such as how to write a resume before getting a job, at 「Employment 24」, and also receive recommendations for jobs and certifications that are right for you. You can also apply for subsidies for young people employed in small and medium-sized businesses.

If you are looking for a new job, you can search for jobs in your preferred region, register your resume, apply for unemployment benefits, and apply for job training cost support to obtain certification at 「Employment 24」.

If you are a human resources manager, you can search for talent suitable for your company, review resumes, and apply for employee training programs and government subsidies all in one place, 「Employment 24」. If it is difficult to hire Koreans, you can also obtain permission to hire foreigners.

「Employment 24」 plans to continue to create better services for individuals’ successful professional lives and for companies’ convenient personnel management. We will continue to work hard to provide better information and benefits to individuals and companies.
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