법무부 온라인민원서비스 APK 1.30.0
Nov 3, 2024
0.0 / 0+
This is an online civil complaint service operated by the Ministry of Justice (remedial online correspondence, visit reservation, check of the balance of deferred money, writing a letter to juvenile protection/treatment probation, etc.).
Detailed Description
The Ministry of Justice's representative online civil service app provides civil service-related services such as prisons, detention centers, juvenile detention centers, classification review centers, treatment centers, visas, immigration, stay, nationality, bar exams, and lawyer exams.
Available services
1. Prison/detention center
- Internet correspondence
- Check the balance of reserve money
- General meeting reservation
- Online video interview reservation
- Reservation for video interview
- Confirmation of meeting reservation
2. Juvenile detention center, classification review center, treatment center
- Write a letter for juvenile protection
- Write a letter for treatment and custody
- Reservation for a treatment visit
- Issuance of medical custody certificate
- Community service public contest
3. Visa/Immigration/Residence/Nationality
- Electronic civil service (immigration civil service)
- Visit reservation (immigration office)
- Visa issuance certificate (result inquiry)
- Immigration (issuance of proof of fact)
- Alien registration (issuance of certificate of fact)
- Report domestic residence (issue certificate of fact)
- Report selection of nationality (issuance of certificate of fact)
- Report of nationality renouncement (issuance of certificate of fact)
4. Bar exam/bar exam
- Issuance of certificate of passing (lawyer examination)
- Issuance of certificate of passing (bar exam)
Available services
1. Prison/detention center
- Internet correspondence
- Check the balance of reserve money
- General meeting reservation
- Online video interview reservation
- Reservation for video interview
- Confirmation of meeting reservation
2. Juvenile detention center, classification review center, treatment center
- Write a letter for juvenile protection
- Write a letter for treatment and custody
- Reservation for a treatment visit
- Issuance of medical custody certificate
- Community service public contest
3. Visa/Immigration/Residence/Nationality
- Electronic civil service (immigration civil service)
- Visit reservation (immigration office)
- Visa issuance certificate (result inquiry)
- Immigration (issuance of proof of fact)
- Alien registration (issuance of certificate of fact)
- Report domestic residence (issue certificate of fact)
- Report selection of nationality (issuance of certificate of fact)
- Report of nationality renouncement (issuance of certificate of fact)
4. Bar exam/bar exam
- Issuance of certificate of passing (lawyer examination)
- Issuance of certificate of passing (bar exam)
App Screenshots
