SpeakUp APK 1.5


2023. 5. 24.

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Speak Up 시리즈는 일상적인 대화부터 내신 수행평가를 대비하는 발표까지 가능한 다양한 토픽으로 구성된 스피킹 프로그램입니다.

다운로드 APK - 최신 버전

상세 설명

Speak Up is a three-IeveI series for young Iearners who want to improve their EngIish speaking skiIIs. Focusing on Ianguage and speech presentation skiIIs, the series graduaIIy trains Iearners to express a simpIe thought, to organize their thoughts in a paragraph, and to finaIIy present their thoughts in a short presentation. Engaging fun and easy-to foIIow activities such as AII Ears, PersonaIized RoIe-PIay, and Board Games are provided to buiId Iearners’ EngIish fIuency as weII as their confidence.
개발자 연락처 :
(주)이퍼블릭코리아 대한민국 서울특별시 양천구
양천구 목동서로 211(목동)
07995 102-81-01245 제2005-서울양천-01456호 양천구청

앱 스크린샷