Chwalmy Pana APK 1.10
May 30, 2024
/ 0+
Josef Řídký
Offline version of "Praise the Lord"
Detailed Description
Apklikacja "Praise the Lord" is a version of a book release eloktroniczną "Praise the Lord - songbook and prayer for the believers of the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Ostrava-Opava at the Cieszyn Silesia" on the basis of the fifth edition of 2013.
Elektronioczna version is not intended to replace the book form, but to facilitate access to "Praise the Lord" where the faithful do not have access to them.
"Praise the Lord" in book form was issued by the Association of Praise to the Lord, and is available in bilingual parishes, deaneries Frydek-Mistek and Karvina.
Development and preparation for printing: "Praise the Lord - the Association of Roman Catholic Faithful Confessions," which established the day 20.10.2008 Mons. František Václav Lobkowicz, Bishop of Ostrava-Opava based on Decree No 498/08.
The application is available full-text search, change font type (serif / nieszeryfowe) magazine, automatic shutdown sounds, night mode, the ability to reduce sleep timer screen, record a song or prayer in the tabs in the "favorite", and changing the size of the displayed text.
The application includes basic at the moment of prayer, songs of the period of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter period, as well as occasional songs, hymns and songs of mourning. Another prayers and songs will be gradually completed application.
Elektronioczna version is not intended to replace the book form, but to facilitate access to "Praise the Lord" where the faithful do not have access to them.
"Praise the Lord" in book form was issued by the Association of Praise to the Lord, and is available in bilingual parishes, deaneries Frydek-Mistek and Karvina.
Development and preparation for printing: "Praise the Lord - the Association of Roman Catholic Faithful Confessions," which established the day 20.10.2008 Mons. František Václav Lobkowicz, Bishop of Ostrava-Opava based on Decree No 498/08.
The application is available full-text search, change font type (serif / nieszeryfowe) magazine, automatic shutdown sounds, night mode, the ability to reduce sleep timer screen, record a song or prayer in the tabs in the "favorite", and changing the size of the displayed text.
The application includes basic at the moment of prayer, songs of the period of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter period, as well as occasional songs, hymns and songs of mourning. Another prayers and songs will be gradually completed application.
App Screenshots
