Anger of Stick 5: Zombie APK 1.1.89

Anger of Stick 5: Zombie


4.6 / 1.51 百万+

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AngerOfStick 世界で最も人気のあるアクションゲーム

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• 経験値システムでスティックマンをレベルアップ!
• 仲間を集め、さまざまな武器を収集して敵を倒すことができます。

• ヘリコプターやマシンガンを戦略的に使用!
• 銃、ナイフ、斧、手榴弾、ロボットなど、さまざまな武器と強力な火力を体験!
• スティックマンがハルクに変身して強力な戦闘を繰り広げます!
• ステージをクリアする際に、ノーマルモードとゾンビモードを選択可能!
• ジャンプモードやディフェンスモードなど、さらに楽しめる追加モードもあります!

• キャラクターのリアルな動きと、ゲーム内のオブジェクトに適用された破壊効果!
• 約50MBという小さなダウンロードサイズで、インストールが簡単で迅速!
• 低スペックのデバイスでも素晴らしいエフェクトを体験!


Anger of Stick 5でストレス解消の満足感を体験しよう!

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#スティックマン #ゾンビ #ハルク #冒険 #アクション #Stickman #Zombie #Hulk #Adventure #Action

Save the world from the zombies! An exciting stickman action game!

A strange group of enemies appeared in the city and captured innocent people to use them as experimental tool. Massive people have turned into zombies. The angry stick man and his friends are the only hope that they can save the town's people and destroy enemies.

[RPG Growth Features]
• Level up your stickman with the experience points system.
• Recruit allies and collect various weapons to defeat the enemies.

[Content Features]
• Strategically use helicopters and machine guns.
• Experience a variety of weapons and powerful firepower, including guns, knives, axes, grenades, and robots.
• Transform your stickman into a Hulk and engage in powerful combat.
• Choose between normal mode and zombie mode when clearing stages.
• Enjoy additional modes like Jump Mode and Defense Mode, offering even more fun.

[Game Features]
• Realistic character movements with destruction effects applied to in-game objects.
• Small download size of around 50MB, making installation easy and quick.
• Experience stunning effects even on low-spec devices.

※ Data will be initialized when you replace the phone's terminal or delete the game.

Experience the satisfying impact that relieves stress in Anger of Stick 5!
Download now!


