SiPoli BMKG APK 1.0.0


Feb 11, 2020

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BMKG Polyclinic Information System (SiPoli)

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Detailed Description

BMKG Polyclinic Information System (SiPoli) is a useful application as a means to facilitate and support the process of health services for employees, employees' families, STMKG cadets, retirees, and the general public. The referred health services consist of general poly and dental poly, which are domiciled at the BMKG Central Polyclinic and STMKG Polyclinic.

Through this application, patients can see the doctor's schedule in each poly at both the BMKG polyclinic and STMKG. Besides booking can also be done online without having to come to the clinic first. Patients will get a notification via email in the morning the examination will take place.

SiPoli BMKG Features:
1. Home
Function to display all features that can be accessed by users

2. Login
Serves to enter the application system through the process of identifying a username and password

3. Doctor's Schedule
Serves to display the doctor's practice schedule of general poly and dental poly in BMKG polyclinic and STMKG polyclinic

4. Booking
Serves to facilitate booking checks online both for personal and for families

5. Profile
Serves to save the identity of each user and change passwords

6. Event Slider
Serves to display the activities to be carried out both at the BMKG polyclinic and at the STMKG polyclinic

7. Notification of inspection schedule
Functioning as a reminder to patients who have booked to come on the day of the examination. Notifications will be sent to the user's email that has been registered in the application

8. About Us
Function to display location and contact information from BMKG polyclinic and STMKG polyclinic

9. Forgot Password
Serves to help users reset the password by entering NIP / NIK / NPT and email

BMKG Polyclinic
Telephone: (021) 4246321
Ext: 1129 (General Poly), 1109 (Dental Poly)

STMKG Polyclinic
Telephone: (021) 73691621

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