HomeWizard Link

HomeWizard Link APK 3.11.0 - Téléchargement gratuit

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Dernière mise à jour: 21 Oct 2021

Informations sur l'application

Contrôlez votre maison depuis votre smartphone où que vous soyez.

Nom de l'application: HomeWizard Link

ID d'application: nl.homewizard.android.hwlink

Note: 0.0 / 0+

Auteur: HomeWizard

Taille de l'application: 62.53 MB

Description détaillée

HomeWizard Link is the new and intuitive way to control your home from your smartphone wherever you are.

The cards in your home tab give a clear overview of your home, and the device tiles in the control tab allow for easy and fast control of all your accessories.

* Receive notifications from the Cavius smoke detector or the Smartwares leakage detector

* Control your Smartwares light bulbs from your phone

* Control the energy and dimmer socket

* Automatically turn on your lights when it's dark

* Simulate presence when you are not at home

To use the app a Link basestation is required that is connected to the internet.
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Capture d'écran de l'application

HomeWizard Link HomeWizard Link HomeWizard Link HomeWizard Link
