MBC Ramadan APK 4.0.4

MBC Ramadan

Mar 14, 2024

4.2 / 25.12 هزار+

MBC Group

TV schedules, Prayer & Iftar Timings, All the essentials needed for the Ramadan

دانلود APK - آخرین نسخه

توضیحات مفصل

MBC Ramadan App – TV schedules, Prayer & Iftar Timings
All the essentials you need for the Holy Month.

Let The MBC Ramadan app be your trusted companion in the holy month.
The App helps our MBC viewers track their essential Ramadan Timings wherever they are in the world, plus stay informed of All MBC programs across our TV grid during Ramadan.
Main App features include: MBC grid, Imsakeyet Ramadan, Ramadan tips, prayers notifications among many other Ramadan related features

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