Línea OIM APK 1.0.1
Oct 22, 2024
/ 0+
Ministerio para Transf. Digital y Función Pública
Submit your complaint about the content you consider sexist at Línea OIM.
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The Instituto de las Mujeres presents the OIM (Observatorio de la Imagen de las Mujeres) app, which makes it easy for citizens to report their complaints about the advertising content they consider sexist, in a simple, agile way from a single place.
At the OIM, we analyse the representation of women in advertising and the media in an effort to determine the most significant roles attributed to them and, if sexist, undertake actions to remove stereotypical images.
To fulfil these objectives, the OIM is entrusted with the following functions:
· The collection of complaints from citizenry and the ex-officio monitoring of sexist content;
· The analysis and classification of the content detected or reported in order to obtain insight into the current treatment of women in advertising and the media;
· Taking action against those who issue discriminatory messages, requesting the modification or withdrawal of the most stereotypical and denigrating campaigns (from a female perspective) or requiring a change in their future course of action;
· The dissemination of material promoting society’s rejection of discrimination in the media;
· Participation in training and awareness activities about the influence that discriminatory treatment in the media and advertising has on inequality;
The main features and functions of the OIM app include the following:
Lodge a complaint: Select the type of sexist content you have detected and file your complaint in an easy and agile way: for advertising (TV commercial, radio spot, billboard, etc.); media (headlines, new, reporting, series, etc.); internet (social networks, websites, etc.); and other content (songs, publications, packaging, etc.).
Specify where you have seen the content. If possible, please include the exact location of the content in question if it is an outdoor advertisement on a billboard, flyer, poster, or a local-business product, etc.
Include a photo or video of the discriminatory content. If possible, please take a photo and include it with your complaint, or send us a file downloaded from a website or an attachment that will help with our analysis of your complaint.
Learn more about sexist content. See the rulings issued about sexist advertising in our country, as well as the OIM’s statements and reports.
What defines sexist content?
- Trivialising or justifying behaviour that involves violence against women;
- Situating women in positions of subordination or inferiority;
- Belittling or ridiculing activities or values attributed to women;
- Ridiculing, undervaluing, or presenting women in a humiliating manner in any professional capacity;
- Using women and reducing their bodies to passive sexual objects;
- Displaying images of the female body to capture attention;
- Promoting an ideal of feminine beauty based on youth, thinness, and bodily perfection, according to unrealistic standards;
- Assigning the roles of domesticity and caring for third parties to women;
- Basing the ability to perform a job on gender;
- Establishing differences regarding what is appropriate for men and women;
- Using language that omits or excludes women.
At the OIM, we analyse the representation of women in advertising and the media in an effort to determine the most significant roles attributed to them and, if sexist, undertake actions to remove stereotypical images.
To fulfil these objectives, the OIM is entrusted with the following functions:
· The collection of complaints from citizenry and the ex-officio monitoring of sexist content;
· The analysis and classification of the content detected or reported in order to obtain insight into the current treatment of women in advertising and the media;
· Taking action against those who issue discriminatory messages, requesting the modification or withdrawal of the most stereotypical and denigrating campaigns (from a female perspective) or requiring a change in their future course of action;
· The dissemination of material promoting society’s rejection of discrimination in the media;
· Participation in training and awareness activities about the influence that discriminatory treatment in the media and advertising has on inequality;
The main features and functions of the OIM app include the following:
Lodge a complaint: Select the type of sexist content you have detected and file your complaint in an easy and agile way: for advertising (TV commercial, radio spot, billboard, etc.); media (headlines, new, reporting, series, etc.); internet (social networks, websites, etc.); and other content (songs, publications, packaging, etc.).
Specify where you have seen the content. If possible, please include the exact location of the content in question if it is an outdoor advertisement on a billboard, flyer, poster, or a local-business product, etc.
Include a photo or video of the discriminatory content. If possible, please take a photo and include it with your complaint, or send us a file downloaded from a website or an attachment that will help with our analysis of your complaint.
Learn more about sexist content. See the rulings issued about sexist advertising in our country, as well as the OIM’s statements and reports.
What defines sexist content?
- Trivialising or justifying behaviour that involves violence against women;
- Situating women in positions of subordination or inferiority;
- Belittling or ridiculing activities or values attributed to women;
- Ridiculing, undervaluing, or presenting women in a humiliating manner in any professional capacity;
- Using women and reducing their bodies to passive sexual objects;
- Displaying images of the female body to capture attention;
- Promoting an ideal of feminine beauty based on youth, thinness, and bodily perfection, according to unrealistic standards;
- Assigning the roles of domesticity and caring for third parties to women;
- Basing the ability to perform a job on gender;
- Establishing differences regarding what is appropriate for men and women;
- Using language that omits or excludes women.
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