رشفة كراش - لعبة فوازير و الغا

رشفة كراش - لعبة فوازير و الغا

  • Latest Version
  • Sc Studio.

Gas game and various questions and Zakat tests - a varied link for all ages in several stages

About this game

A sip Crash game is a crossword game and a famous Arab Fawazir in which some interesting questions are deciphered, riddles are solved, sentences are completed and missing words are a game full of interesting and varied questions that can be answered by all age groups
Sip Crash is a cultural and entertaining app with many questions and puzzles written and illustrated!
Gas for smart people makes your mind work and develop your zakat and at the same time there are funny puzzles

Points System:

You can collect points and use them in the game to help you understand the puzzle or question
Or you can earn free points from the game store and use them in game tools such as:

- Show a random letter of the answer
- Skip the question
- Delete 3 letters to round off the answer
- You can share the question or the puzzle with your friends by clicking on the question

* Earn points and ways to help:

You can earn points and aids from the point store inside the game
These points help you to skip questions or help in letters to find the word and solve the puzzle in a link challenge
Many stages and interesting questions that put you on the path of challenge and confront the world of puzzles
Your opinions on the game are important for our progress and development. If you encounter any problem, we are always at the service and you can contact us to solve this problem.
We wish you a pleasant journey in the world of puzzles.

* Some sections of the game and their characteristics:

- Maps, flags and countries
- Enlarged photos
- Challenge a link
- Complete the sentence, proverb, verse
Questions of thinking and intelligence
- Improved gameplay to suit smart devices
- Various questions suitable for all ages
- General information in various fields
Clubs and teams
- Logos of countries
- The puzzles are carefully built and of high quality
Cars and Brands
- Religious questions, Ramadan
Celebrities and soccer players
- wasla browser cross word

Versions رشفة كراش - لعبة فوازير و الغا