오늘의 고사성어
  • 4.0

오늘의 고사성어

  • Latest Version
  • 국제소셜미디어.

Modern people's wisdom to learn in ancient languages!

About this app

Release of today's testimonials.
SNS popular channel "Today's Old Words" app has been released.

Ancient words are used as precepts, scriptures, metaphors, symbols, idioms and proverbs, etc., and contain didactic content that enriches expressions in everyday language life.

We deliver daily messages that give you courage and hope, reminding you of the preciousness of life and giving you lessons in life.

Your life is precious, and happiness is always with you.
We look forward to using it a lot.
thank you

[Separated by optional access rights:
When running the app, it is possible to run the app without the consent of both permissions (when changing the profile picture, the procedure for saving and camera permission agreement is confirmed)]

* For easy registration of the app, ANDROID_ID, Email, nickname, etc. of the app are saved.

Versions 오늘의 고사성어