Tramite de Pasaporte Honduras
  • 3.8

Tramite de Pasaporte Honduras

  • Latest Version
  • Millonaire Industries

Everything about the Passport Processing can be obtained NOW totally Free

About this app

🛫Toda information related to the 🛂Trámite the National Passport you can get one-click, all the processing that a foreign person must perform to stay in the country, have made this app to help all our domestic and overseas compatriots center south, the Caribbean, north America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania with the main purpose to make life easier.

🚅¿Te like to know every single detail needed to get a passport? Have you thought about getting your passport, how fast and easy it can be? Did you know that the Honduran passport is one of the most powerful World Passport? Are you a foreigner and want to know how and you must do to remain in the country, apply for residence permits, etc? Now you will have available all relevant information related to the Passport and any procedure to be performed by a domestic or foreign person to stay in the country, the Honduran State has a legal agreement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 26, 2009. this law allows citizens of the European Union do not need visa to enter the country, as well as travelers from Central, North and South America, which will remain in Honduras for 90 days as a tourist.

You 🚊¿Sabías with the Honduran passport you can travel without visas to more than 110 countries ?, you want to go on vacation Germany or the country where the most beautiful women in the world are? Turkey, Brazil, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, yes these and many more countries are those who can travel with the Honduran passport to travel. Processing of Pasaporte✈ is totally free application designed to make your life easier and inform in a clear, safe way how you can get your passport and do not be fooled by anyone or abusive tramitadores only rip you to get you your money, that with much sacrifice you have obtained.

🚉Cabe noted that any foreigner can get all the complete and needed to stay in the country one-click information.

🚈Todos steps and the details you can get from one click, the entire procedure. You can find frequent answers to a series of questions such as those mentioned below:

What is a passport ?, Emergency appointments, What documents should I submit if my parents live abroad ?, What are the costs ?, What are the authorized banks ?, What is a Special Travel Permit ?, in what cases can be used by the Special Travel Permit ?, Steps to Step Special Permit Individual Travel, Steps to Step Special Permit collective journey, Step passport for children under 21, holders Resident Alien or Permit special Permanency, General Requirements for all migratory categories to stay in the country hired by Public law Entities, What is an extension of stay may be extended ?, who ?, Steps for those who can extend, What is a Visa consulted ?, What is the consulted Visa Regime ?, to whom consulted in favor of a foreign visa requested, What does the visa application ?, consulted Residences, Requis General itos for all migratory qualities for residence in the country of Honduras, Special Requirements for immigration status, Certification of Migratory Movements, Alert Passport, Authorization permanence of foreign children of Honduran father or mother, Special Regime consulted Visas, migration rates issued

Step 🚋Nuestra Passport App HND C.A. is completely free one-click and voila, you will have at hand all the information so that you know simple and easy you need to get your passport with which you can travel more than 110 countries, 193 member states the ONU.

Versions Tramite de Pasaporte Honduras