CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually

CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually APK 1.9.2 - Stažení zdarma

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Poslední aktualizace: 5. Zář 2024

Informace o aplikaci

Quit smoking with a personalized plan that adapts to your life in real-time.

Název aplikace: CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually

ID aplikace:

Hodnocení: 0.0 / 0+

Autor: CraveLess.Me

Velikost aplikace: 43.60 MB

Podrobný popis

CraveLess.Me: Your Personalized Quit-Smoking Companion

CraveLess.Me empowers you to quit smoking with a flexible, personalized approach that adapts to your lifestyle. Whether you're cutting back or quitting for good, our app supports your journey every step of the way.

Why CraveLess.Me?
No two smoking habits are the same. That’s why we create a quitting plan tailored to your needs, with real-time adjustments to keep you on track, even when life gets unpredictable.

Key Features
🌱 Personalized Quit Plan – A custom strategy built around your habits, guiding you to quit smoking at your own pace.
⏳ Dynamic Interval – Our unique feature adjusts your quitting plan in real-time, offering flexibility when challenges arise.
💰 Cigarette & Savings Tracker – See your progress as you smoke less, with insights into the money you're saving along the way.
🤝 Share Your Progress – Stay accountable by sharing your milestones on social media and receiving encouragement from friends and family.
🛠️ Quit Day Toolkit – Get ready with expert resources, success stories, and helpful articles to ensure your quit day is a success.
🔒 Privacy First – Your journey is yours alone. All your data stays securely on your device.

Quit smoking at your own pace, with CraveLess.Me adapting to your journey in real-time. Start today for a healthier, smoke-free tomorrow!
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Snímek obrazovky aplikace

CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually CLM - Quit Smoking Gradually
