Yes2Move APK 1.1
Jan 11, 2023
/ 0+
Benefit Systems SA
training platform, 1000+ trainings tailored to your needs
Detailed Description
Try it for 14 days for PLN 1! You will find a database of over 1,000 various online trainings and training sets prepared by specialists and experts in healthy movement at Yes2Move - the largest training platform in Poland.
As part of Yes2Move, the most popular classes are available, such as:
YOGA - a set of breathing, physical and relaxation exercises that help build attention and concentration.
CARDIO - a combination of aerobic exercises with elements of dance, thanks to which your overall endurance, functionality and endurance will significantly increase.
STRETCHING - stretching the muscles, but also ligaments and tendons. Training should be an additional element - always after completing the main training, but it can also be treated as a separate practice.
CORE - exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the torso, help prevent injuries and injuries.
PILATES - a type of body-load training that combines the elements of yoga, ballet, gymnastics, tai-chi and dance.
New training cycles also appear regularly on the platform, i.e. training plans prepared by Yes2Move trainers, e.g .:
MORNING MOBILITY, a group of exercises whose main goal is to improve mobility, restore the correct range of motion and increase the flexibility of muscles and joints
PHYSIOCLASSES - 30-minute classes conducted by a physiotherapist, where the most important are the quality, precision of movement and selection of safe exercises, and the training effect is the reduction of back pain, improved mobility, muscle relaxation and injury prevention
ANTYSTRES training program, divided into the Energy and Harmony classes, containing sets of exercises designed for people who are in communication chaos on a daily basis, live at a fast pace and are frequently exposed to stress.
Hundreds of inspirations for physical activity! Articles and podcasts prepared by Yes2Move experts. On the blog you will find interesting facts about an active lifestyle and ways to healthy movement.
Are you not sure which training to choose? On Yes2Move you will find activities tailored to your needs, broken down by purpose, category, intensity and duration. You can choose your favorite instructors from over 60 trainers and instructors who have prepared workouts at various levels of advancement, regardless of whether you are just starting your training or are a regular gym visitor.
Do you have any questions? Do you want to contact us? Write:
As part of Yes2Move, the most popular classes are available, such as:
YOGA - a set of breathing, physical and relaxation exercises that help build attention and concentration.
CARDIO - a combination of aerobic exercises with elements of dance, thanks to which your overall endurance, functionality and endurance will significantly increase.
STRETCHING - stretching the muscles, but also ligaments and tendons. Training should be an additional element - always after completing the main training, but it can also be treated as a separate practice.
CORE - exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the torso, help prevent injuries and injuries.
PILATES - a type of body-load training that combines the elements of yoga, ballet, gymnastics, tai-chi and dance.
New training cycles also appear regularly on the platform, i.e. training plans prepared by Yes2Move trainers, e.g .:
MORNING MOBILITY, a group of exercises whose main goal is to improve mobility, restore the correct range of motion and increase the flexibility of muscles and joints
PHYSIOCLASSES - 30-minute classes conducted by a physiotherapist, where the most important are the quality, precision of movement and selection of safe exercises, and the training effect is the reduction of back pain, improved mobility, muscle relaxation and injury prevention
ANTYSTRES training program, divided into the Energy and Harmony classes, containing sets of exercises designed for people who are in communication chaos on a daily basis, live at a fast pace and are frequently exposed to stress.
Hundreds of inspirations for physical activity! Articles and podcasts prepared by Yes2Move experts. On the blog you will find interesting facts about an active lifestyle and ways to healthy movement.
Are you not sure which training to choose? On Yes2Move you will find activities tailored to your needs, broken down by purpose, category, intensity and duration. You can choose your favorite instructors from over 60 trainers and instructors who have prepared workouts at various levels of advancement, regardless of whether you are just starting your training or are a regular gym visitor.
Do you have any questions? Do you want to contact us? Write:
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