Bulughul Maram Offline

Bulughul Maram Offline

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The Complete Offline Arabic Book of Bulughul Maram and Translation

Kitab Bulughul Maram or Bulugh al Maram min Adillat al Ahkam, compiled by Al Hafizh Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani (773 H 852 H). This book is a thematic hadith book which contains hadiths which are used as a source of fiqh law (istinbath) by fiqh experts. This book is the main reference especially for the jurisprudence of the Shafi'i School. This book includes books of fiqh that receive global recognition and are also widely translated around the world.

Bulughul Maram Translation contains 1,371 hadiths. At the end of each hadith published in Bulughul Maram, Ibn Hajar mentions who the hadith narrators came from. Bulughul Maram includes hadiths from primary sources such as Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Sunan an-Nasa'i, Sunan Ibnu Majah, and Musnad Ahmad and others.

The contents of the Bulughul Maram Book:
1. Book of Taharah
- Water Chapter
- Chapter of Vessels
- Unclean Chapter and How to Eliminate It
- Ablution Chapter
- Two Khuf Wiping Chapter
- The Chapter That Invalidates Wudlu
- Chapter How to Poop
- Bathing Chapter and the laws of Junub
- Chapter of Tayammum
- Bab Haidl

2. Prayer Book
- Prayer Times Chapter
- Chapter of Azan
- Chapter Terms of Prayer
- Chapter Surah For People Who Pray
- Chapter on Khusyu Suggestions in Prayer
- Chapter of the Mosque
- Chapter of the nature of prayer
- Chapter Sujud Sawi and others
- Chapter of Thathawwu Prayer
- Congregational Prayer Chapter and the priest
- Chapter Prayers of Travelers and the Sick
- Friday Prayer Chapter
- Chauf Prayer Chapter
- Chapter of the Two Days of Prayer
- Eclipse Prayer Chapter
- Istisqa Prayer Chapter
- Clothing Chapter

3. The Book of the Dead

4. Book of Zakat
- Chapter of Zakat Fitrah
- Chapter Sadaqah Thathawwu
- Chapter Distribution of Sadaqah

5. The Book of Shiyam
- Chapter of Shaum Sunnah and Prohibited Fasting
- Chapter of I'tikaf and Ramadan Worship

6. Book of Hajj
- Chapter on the virtues of Hajj and those who are obliged to perform Hajj
- Chapter About Miqat
- The Obligatory Chapter of Ihram and its Characteristics
- The Chapter of Ihram and Related to It
- Chapter Characteristics of Hajj and Entering the City of Mecca
- Chapter Late and Obstructed Hajj

7. The Book of Buying and Selling
- Chapter Terms and Prohibited Trading
- Khiyar Chapter
- Riba Chapter
- Chapter Rukhshah Selling Fruits
- Salam, Qiradh and Pawn Chapters
- Chapter Taflis (Bankrupt) and Hajr (Confiscation)
- Peace Chapter
- Chapter Transferring Debt and Bearing
- Syirkah and Wakalah chapters
- Chapter Iqrar (Confession)
- Ariyah Chapter
- Bab Ghashab
- Chapter Syuf'ah
- Qiradh Chapter
- Chapter Musaqah and Ijarah
- Chapter Revives the Dead Lands
- Chapter of Waqf
- Chapter Grant, Umra and Ruqba
- Found Items Chapter
- Chapter Faraidl
- Chapter of Testament
- Chapter Goods Entrusted

8. Marriage Book
- Hadiths about Marriage
- Chapter Kafa'ah and Khiyar
- Chapter Association With Wife
- The Bridegroom Chapter
- Chapter Walimah
- Division of Turns Chapter
- Chulu Chapter
- Chapter Talaq
- Refer Chapter
- Chapter Ila', Zihar and Kafarat
- Chapter of the Oath of Li'an
- Chapters of Iddah and Ihdad
- Breastfeeding Chapter
- Nafaqah/Maintenance Chapter

9. Book of Criminal Affairs
- Hadith about Criminal
- Chapter of Fines
- Chapter Demanding Blood and Oath
- Chapter Fighting the Rebels
- Chapter Fighting Criminals and Killing Apostates

10. Book of Punishment
- Chapter on Adultery Punishment
- Accusing Punishment Chapter
- Theft Law chapter
- Chapter Punishment for Drinking and Explanation of Intoxicated Drinks
- Chapter Ta'zir and Criminal Law

11. Book of Jihad
- Hadith about Jihad
- Tribute and Armistice Chapter
- Racing and Archery Chapters

12. The Food Book
- Game and Slaughter Chapter
- Chapter of Sacrifice
- Chapter Aqiqah

13. The Book of Oaths and Votives

14. The Book of Deciding Cases
- Testimony Chapter
- Chapter of Accusation and Evidence

15. The Book of Freeing Slaves
- Chapter Mudabbar Mukatab and Ummul Walad

16. Book of Completeness
- Adab Chapter
- Chapter of Kindness and Silaturrahmi
- Chapter Zuhud and Wara
- Chapter Warning to Avoid Moral Evil
- Chapter Encouraging to Do Good
- Chapter of Dhikr and Prayer

Main feature :
- Complete (All CHAPTER)
- Arabic Text and its Translation
- 100% Offline, No Internet Connection Required
- Text Can be Copy-Paste
- Bookmark and Search feature
- Simple and Easy to Use

Hopefully this application is useful for all of us

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