Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка

Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка APK 0.55.0 - Free Download

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Last updated: 7 Oct 2024

App Info

Shop and express delivery of electronics, household appliances, books, clothing and shoes

App name: Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка

Application ID: com.tune.sello

Rating: 3.4 / 1.12 Thousand+


App size: 142.54 MB

Detailed Description

Sello is an ecosystem that combines:

1. Sello Market - marketplace for clothing, electronics, books and much more in Uzbekistan;

2. Sello Logistics – own logistics system and express delivery;

3. Sello Pay is a payment service that allows you to purchase goods, including in installments.

In the Sello online store you can easily find everything that brings joy: clothes and shoes, mobile phones and other electronics, household appliances, sporting goods, food, dishes, textiles, books, children's products, cosmetics and much more. We have collected for you exclusively high-quality products from the best sellers to make your online shopping convenient and profitable.

Our marketplace regularly holds sales and promotions to offer you the best prices on products. Just three simple steps: download the app, open the store and choose products. With the Sello marketplace, shopping will become even more convenient.

Sello has a variety of products for everyday life and specific needs. Electronics, household appliances, clothing, shoes, books and much more. Install the application and enjoy a wide range of products anytime, anywhere.

In the Sello app you can:

– Search and compare products among many online stores.
– Quickly place an order and receive the goods at home or at a pick-up point at a convenient time.
– Use courier delivery for heavy and bulky goods.
– Try on clothes and shoes in one of 40 branches throughout the Republic of Uzbekistan.

We create a safe space for buyers and sellers and offer transparent shopping, user-friendly interface and fast delivery. Happy Sello! your online shopping experience will be unforgettable, and profitable purchases and time savings will become an integral part of your life. Join thousands of satisfied customers who have already chosen Sello for online shopping and sales in Uzbekistan.

Don't miss the opportunity to become part of our community and let Sello! become your reliable partner and guide in the world of convenient and fast online shopping!

Great shopping starts with Sello! – xaridorlarga qulaylik yaratish maqsadida o‘zining logistika tizimini o‘z ichiga olgan marketpleys. Bizda mavjud bo'lgan mahsulotlar qatori kun sayin ortib bormoqda. Bizlarda sotuvchilar narxlarni o'zlari tartibga solishlari mumkin, bu esa bitta narx toifasidagi tovarlarning raqobatini oshirishiga olib keladi. Bundan tashqari, biz yetkazib beriladigan mahsulot sifatiga kafolat beramiz va tovarda nuqson aniqlanganda biz uni almashtirib beramiz. Har safar xaridor kerakli mahsulotni topib, "sotib olish" tugmasini bosganda, biz odamlarga foyda keltiradigan biznesni boshlaganimizni tushunamiz.

Sello Logistics - Samarali logistika xizmati. Biz tovar yoki pochtani 1 kundan boshlab mamlakatning istalgan nuqtasiga - ishonchli, tez va o'z vaqtida yetkazib beramiz!

Sello Pay bilan oson to'lang! Xizmatlar va servislar uchun to'lashni boshlang va 3.5% gacha keshbek oling yoki kartalar o'rtasida tezkor pul o'tkazmalarini amalga oshiring. Jismoniy va yuridik shaxslar uchun qulay to‘lov tizimi boshqa ekotizim xizmatlari bilan oson integratsiyalashgandir.

3 oddiy qadam: ilovani yuklab oling, katalogni oching va kerakli narsani tanlang! Va keyin siz: Mahsulotlarni topib, baholab, qulay solishtirib, istagingizga mos variantni tanlashingiz mumkin bo'ladi. Va keyin tez buyurtma bera olasiz va uni uyda yoki siz uchun qulay vaqtda qabul qilish punktida olib keta olasiz. Kuryer sizga og‘ir va katta hajmli yuklarni yetkazib beradi, siz esa butun respublika bo‘ylab 40 ta filialimizdan birida kiyim va poyabzal kiyib ko‘rishingiz mumkin. Omadli xarid tilaymiz!
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Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка Sello: Маркет Платежи Доставка
