FreePass APK


Mar 23, 2024

/ 0+

João António Catarino Morais

Stateless Password Manager

Download APK - Latest Version

Detailed Description

Nowadays it's practically impossible to keep track of all our passwords and account names.
The obvious alternative would be using only one password, which would lead to serious security problems.
The common solution to his problem is to use a password manager but even that raises concerns.
Most password managers require the usage of a database to store every password to facilitate usage. That leaves the users in an awkward position where they have to trust the service to keep their information safe and to inform them in case of a breach.
Our solution is a stateless password manager where we can generate random passwords in a replicable manner so they won't be stored in a database.
The user is asked for optional parameters like website, username and a master password, from which it will generate a replicable password secure and strong against most types of attacks.
Free, Safe and secure Stateless Password Manager!!!

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