متن ابي شجاع - فقه شافعي

متن ابي شجاع - فقه شافعي

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The book Matn Al-Gha`at wa Al-Taqreeb fi Al-Shafi`i jurisprudence, authored by Ahmad bin Al-Hussein bin Ahmed Al-Isfahani

About this app

Textbook of Purpose and Approach in Shafi'i Jurisprudence
It is known as the Metn Abi Shuja
This book is one of the most famous texts in Shafi’i jurisprudence, and despite its small size, its wording is less and its meaning is abundant
A copy divided by titles for easy access
In addition to the system:
The end of training in highly approximated systems in Shafi'i jurisprudence

Versions متن ابي شجاع - فقه شافعي