Feb 16, 2025

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Via Transportation Inc.

Transit in Gray Harbor County

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Detailed Description

Grays Harbor Transit (GHT) Specialized Van Service (SVS) and General Public Dial-a-Ride (DAR) for riders in Grays Harbor County, Washington State, USA

Connect to shopping, social events, restaurants, medical appointments, hospitals, schools, jobs, church, and more with HarborFLEX.

HarborFLEX is an origin-to-destination General Public Dial-a-Ride and SVS Paratransit service, operating in Gray Harbor County. General Public Dial-a-Ride (DAR) is available in select small rural communities.

Our buses are wheelchair accessible and are operated by specially-trained drivers. Whether you want to run an errand, visit a friend, or need reliable transit to recurring events (work, appointments, etc.), this service will get you there! You can also use HarborFLEX to connect to fixed route buses outside of service areas.

- Book a ride on your smart phone by setting your pickup and drop-off address and indicate if you’re riding with any additional passengers. You may also call the GHT Dispatch Office to book your trip over the phone.
- Select the preferred pickup window for the bus arrival time. You’re expected to be ready at any time during that pickup window. You’ll receive one automated call or text reminder for each trip you have scheduled, on the day before your trip.
- We’ll give you an automated call or send you a text notification when we’re nearby.
- When your driver arrives, they will wait up to 5 minutes at your pickup location. If they arrive early, they will wait until the start of your pickup window, and then wait another 5 minutes.
- There may be others on board, and you may make a few additional stops along the way! You can track your ride and share your status in real-time from the app.

Fare information is available on the Grays Harbor Transit website www.ghtransit.com

Questions? Reach out at info@ghtransit.com.
Loving your experience so far? Give us a 5-star rating.
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