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A visual blockbuster created from one photo, a tool for fast video production

About this app

PicPik is a photo template tool. You need to upload a photo and create a stunning blockbuster with just one click in 10 seconds. We have a rich selection of photo and video templates for users to choose from, without the need for complex editing processes. All works are quickly generated by AI!

AI video facelift

You only need to upload a facial photo to replace the face of the specified character in the video, with a realistic and natural effect. When we generate a video through AI and hope it has your appearance, AI video association can greatly reduce your shooting and production costs. You can use it for work, speech, entertainment, etc. All video content is provided by users themselves.

Background production

Supports the simultaneous production of multiple video/image templates, allowing you to browse various templates while waiting for production. Additionally, supports backend production, even if you exit the app

Versions PicPiK