OpenTable APK 18.9.0
Feb 12, 2025
4.6 / 174.5 Thousand+
Discover the perfect restaurant for every occasion with OpenTable.
Detailed Description
Every great meal starts with OpenTable. Download the app to find the perfect restaurant no matter where life takes you.
Discover great restaurants
- Choose from over 60,000+ restaurants worldwide
- Search for happy hours, tasting menus, and other special dining experiences
- Filter by cuisine, pricepoint, and more to fine-tune your options
- Get insights from real diners who have visited the restaurant with verified reviews
- Explore the best restaurants near you with the map view.
- Take advantage of expert recommendations with OpenTable’s restaurant guides
Find a time that works for you
- Search for specific dates, times, and locations to see what’s available for your next meal
- View full availability to see when you can get into your favorite spots
- Use Notify Me to receive alerts for last-minute openings at popular restaurants
Manage your plans in one place
- View and change reservations from the app
- Direct message with restaurants to ask questions, provide important information like dietary restrictions, and more
- Earn bonus points for dining at specific restaurants when you create an OpenTable account
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Discover great restaurants
- Choose from over 60,000+ restaurants worldwide
- Search for happy hours, tasting menus, and other special dining experiences
- Filter by cuisine, pricepoint, and more to fine-tune your options
- Get insights from real diners who have visited the restaurant with verified reviews
- Explore the best restaurants near you with the map view.
- Take advantage of expert recommendations with OpenTable’s restaurant guides
Find a time that works for you
- Search for specific dates, times, and locations to see what’s available for your next meal
- View full availability to see when you can get into your favorite spots
- Use Notify Me to receive alerts for last-minute openings at popular restaurants
Manage your plans in one place
- View and change reservations from the app
- Direct message with restaurants to ask questions, provide important information like dietary restrictions, and more
- Earn bonus points for dining at specific restaurants when you create an OpenTable account
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App Screenshots
