Concrete Calculator APK 1.0.1

Concrete Calculator

Oct 25, 2023

4.8 / 17+

NorthOne Inc

Calculate Cement Volumes

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Detailed Description

Looking for a free Concrete Calculator to help with your projects? Look no further. Concrete Calculator is the must-have concrete calculator for any job. It accurately estimates slab, block, footing, column, stair, and curb volumes. It calculates how how many bags of concrete mix you need, or concrete yards you need to order. It's your all-in-one, forever free, calculator for concrete and cement projects.

🛠️ Why Choose Concrete Calculator? 🛠️

1️⃣ Accurate Calculations - get precise measurements for your project. Whether you're building a wall, a slab, or a complex footing, our algorithms provide dependable results.

2️⃣ Bags or Yards - not sure how many bags of mix to buy or yards to order? Just input your project details and the app converts volume to either bags or yards. No more guesswork.

3️⃣ Free Forever! There’s 0 ads or in-app purchases - so you can enjoy an uninterrupted experience.

4️⃣ Resources & Guides - a treasure trove for contractors. From how-to guides to expert resources, get the knowledge to tackle any project.

🧰 Features 🧰
- Concrete Estimator: Reliable calculations for structures like walls, footings, and slabs.
- Cement Calculator: Convert your volume needs into bags or yards.
- Block and Slab Tools: Advanced features for projects involving blocks and slabs.
- Footing Solutions: Custom calculations for different types of footings.

Free Concrete Calculator simplifies your work. Perfect for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike, this is the only concrete estimator you'll ever need. Download now and make your next project a success!

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