To Do List with Reminder APK 2.9.9
Jan 9, 2025
4.6 / 42.52 Thousand+
Daily tasks planner and routines scheduler, including todo list and reminder.
Detailed Description
You can use the app to manage your routines, plan your schedule and organize your daily tasks in clear and easy way.
The app helps in increasing your productivity, and keeping track of your done and undone activities.
You can easily add single or repeated alarm for your to do tasks, with snooze and custom ringtone, so you won't miss any of them.
The app classify your tasks upon its time, and it highlighted each time period's tasks with a different color (overdue, today, tomorrow, latter, no time ), and you can filter your tasks upon their time period.
Also, the finished tasks are highlighted using specific color and text style.
Beside that, you can also categorize your tasks into lists with a color that identifies each list, and you can disable any list to archive it.
You can synchronize your tasks online to Google Tasks.
Add note, memo, or reminder
• Add task as note with no date and no time
• put date only and no time
• put date and time
• set alarm to On or Off.
Adjust the alarm settings from app settings
• set the (alarm even in silent mode) option.
• enable the vibration.
• adjust the alarm sound level and duration.
Customize the alarm for each task
• enable the Full-Screen alarm.
• set the alarm snooze's intervals and count.
• select a custom ringtone for each single task.
Set alarm repeat
• select weekdays
• set periodic repeat every specific interval of years, months, weeks, days, hours or even minutes
Group your activities in lists
• create lists to classify your different tasks
• recognize your lists using different colors
• clone, edit, drop, or share list
• disable the list to archive it.
Quickly, manage your tasks
• add task by voice.
• enable the quick task bar.
• add many tasks; save each line as single task.
• long click to select many tasks and:
move them all to a new or existing list
share, finish, drop them all at once
• you can drop all tasks in the selected list and selected time period by single click
Effectively, navigate your tasks
• filter your tasks upon list, period, or status .
• surf all your tasks in single list mode
Track your activities
• enable the status bar to progress the count of your today's and overdue tasks.
Search and sort app content
• search for task or list
• sort lists and tasks by time and alphabetical, created time, modifying time, or color
• drag and drop to put lists in custom order
Adjust the app's theme and look
• select blue, white or dark theme (night mode)
• set the count of the task's displayed lines.
• adjust the task's text size.
• set the default app's language to English or the default phone's language
Adjust the view option
• surf your lists and tasks in list or grid.
• navigate lists as vertical small tabs, or list.
Add the app widget to the phone's home-screen
• adjust the widget to display specific or all lists, overdue, today, tomorrow, latter or all periods tasks.
• enable grouping the tasks under the period's title.
• customize the widget's color, transparency, corners radius, and text size.
The app helps in increasing your productivity, and keeping track of your done and undone activities.
You can easily add single or repeated alarm for your to do tasks, with snooze and custom ringtone, so you won't miss any of them.
The app classify your tasks upon its time, and it highlighted each time period's tasks with a different color (overdue, today, tomorrow, latter, no time ), and you can filter your tasks upon their time period.
Also, the finished tasks are highlighted using specific color and text style.
Beside that, you can also categorize your tasks into lists with a color that identifies each list, and you can disable any list to archive it.
You can synchronize your tasks online to Google Tasks.
Add note, memo, or reminder
• Add task as note with no date and no time
• put date only and no time
• put date and time
• set alarm to On or Off.
Adjust the alarm settings from app settings
• set the (alarm even in silent mode) option.
• enable the vibration.
• adjust the alarm sound level and duration.
Customize the alarm for each task
• enable the Full-Screen alarm.
• set the alarm snooze's intervals and count.
• select a custom ringtone for each single task.
Set alarm repeat
• select weekdays
• set periodic repeat every specific interval of years, months, weeks, days, hours or even minutes
Group your activities in lists
• create lists to classify your different tasks
• recognize your lists using different colors
• clone, edit, drop, or share list
• disable the list to archive it.
Quickly, manage your tasks
• add task by voice.
• enable the quick task bar.
• add many tasks; save each line as single task.
• long click to select many tasks and:
move them all to a new or existing list
share, finish, drop them all at once
• you can drop all tasks in the selected list and selected time period by single click
Effectively, navigate your tasks
• filter your tasks upon list, period, or status .
• surf all your tasks in single list mode
Track your activities
• enable the status bar to progress the count of your today's and overdue tasks.
Search and sort app content
• search for task or list
• sort lists and tasks by time and alphabetical, created time, modifying time, or color
• drag and drop to put lists in custom order
Adjust the app's theme and look
• select blue, white or dark theme (night mode)
• set the count of the task's displayed lines.
• adjust the task's text size.
• set the default app's language to English or the default phone's language
Adjust the view option
• surf your lists and tasks in list or grid.
• navigate lists as vertical small tabs, or list.
Add the app widget to the phone's home-screen
• adjust the widget to display specific or all lists, overdue, today, tomorrow, latter or all periods tasks.
• enable grouping the tasks under the period's title.
• customize the widget's color, transparency, corners radius, and text size.
App Screenshots
