Learn Complete MS Excel

Learn Complete MS Excel

  • Latest Version
  • Himanshu Dhar

Get to learn Basic to Advance MS Excel with help of Videos

About this app

I have picked out the Essential Excel skillsets needed by Data Analyst and packaged them in a structured course.
In fact, I collected the most common Excel problems faced by my clients. I added in my 10+ years' experience in finance and project management. I included all the important tips and tricks that I came to learn as an Excel course. I also made sure it covers the absolute Excel beginners.
These practical, real-world examples help you understand the full potential of each feature. You'll learn how to use Excel for quick and painless data analysis.
There are many helpful and time-saving Excel formulas and features. We tend to forget what these are if we don't use them. This Excel Essentials Course will give you the practice you need to be able to apply the best solution for the task at hand. This way you can do more in less time.
*** This is not a Microsoft Application. This is just an Excel Course

Topics are:
1 Excel structure
2 Cell properties
3 autofill val and text
4 autofill date
5 Autofill Adv tools
6 cell reference
7 Operators based Equation
8 Math Function
9 Text Function - Upper, Lower, Proper, Trim
10 Text Function - Right, Left
11 Text Function - Find and task
12 Text Function - Solution and Nested Left
13 Text Function - Find and Left Nesting
14 Text Function - MID
15 Text Function - Mid task and solution
16 Text Function - Concatenate
17 Text Function - Concatenate task and solution
18 Text Function - Replace
19 Text Function - Replace task and Solution
20 Text Function - Substitute
21 Text Function - Len, Rept, Exact, Search
22 text to column
23 workbook protect
24 protect sheet
25 Hide Formulas and unlocked Cell
26 Protect File with password
27 If Function - Logical Test
28 If Function - with Equation and task
29 If Function - Nested If
30 If Function - advance
31 If Function - adv 2
32 AND , OR Function
33 AND, OR, IF Nested
34 AND, OR Advance
35 Pivot Table - Intro
36 Pivot Table - Manage Field Area
37 Pivot Table - Value Field, Report and more
38 Pivot Table - Slicer and Dublicate Pivot
39 Pivot Table - Group to mange date and values
40 Pivot Table - Insert Calculated Field
41 goal seek
42 scenario manager
43 pmt function - EMI calculator
44 Data table - Create Loan Table
46 Print option in Excel - Part 1
47 Print option in Excel - Part 2
48 share book
49 Chart Preperation
50 Chart Preperation - Advance
51 Chart Preperation - Customize
52 Conditional Formatting
53 Conditional Formatting - Types of Rules
54 Conditional Formatting - Mange Rules
55 Conditional Formatting - New Rules 1
56 Conditional Formatting - New Rules 2
57 Data Validation
58 Data Validation - Input message and Error Alert
59 Advance Math Function
60 Advance Math Function 2
61 Using of Wild Card in Math Function
62 Vlookup Function
63 Vlookup with Iferror
64 Vlookup Nesting with If
65 Hlookup
66 Match
67 Index and match nested
68 Vlookup array
69 vlookup col trick
70 Vlookup true
71 Advance VLOOKUP
72 Macro Recording part 1
73 Macro Recording part 2
74 Macro Recording part 3
75 Types of ways to run macros

Versions Learn Complete MS Excel