LaserHIT APK 4.4

Jul 2, 2024

3.0 / 488+


Most realistic dry fire training in the comfort and discretion of your home!

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Detailed Description

LaserHIT dry fire training software allows you to practice multiple drills while educating your family about firearm safety. As a skill builder, competing against your friends while reinforcing safe handling procedures and proper shooting dynamics.
Designed by shooting instructors and inspired by military veterans, LaserHIT systems make it fun and inexpensive to shoot like the pros!

Practice with your own multiple targets or actual objects (like soda-cans, fruits, etc.). Use augmented reality to RELOAD and reset your practice right from the firing line.

- LaserHIT application will register hits on paper targets in real-time and display the shot results onto your smartphone screen.
"LaserHIT application will works with two types of LaserHIT training cartridges: High Defenition (HD) and Generic, to cover full range of Android phones on the market.
- Applicaiton will run Phone hardware compatibility check to advice you before purchasing laserHIT training kit."
- LaserHIT is universal application that compatible with all common laser training cartridges on the market. The complex algorithm will recognize, analyze and accurately read red, green, or blue lasers.
SPECIAL: You have the option to setup it with the large screen TV to emphasize the visibility of your training results. For the best experience, connect TV and Phone directly through a "Smart VIew" option or visit LaserHIT website for more options. There will be compatibility limitation with some Android Phones.

- You will master the basic gun safety rules. You can practice at home with your own firearm (without live ammo) to assist in building muscle memory and improving marksmanship accuracy.
- You can become more comfortable with the weight and operation of your firearm while in the comfort of your own home.
- You will enjoy to work on your trigger control with immediate visual feedback.
- You can escalate the laser shooting speed up to 10 shots per seconds (depends on the handgun model).
- You can track your progress and display your result on your own TV.

SPECIAL APPRECIATION to our LaserHIT volunteers test-group for valuable feedback: Gunter B.(Vienna, Austria), Lucacz "Yankes" Jankowski (Tarnow, Polska), Roberto Suazo (Honduras), Robert Hernandez (CT, US), Steve Stahl (US), Kevin Weber (US), Andrei B. (CA, US), Eric L. (CA, US), Ben H. (CA, US), Ryan A. (CA, US), Henry W. (CA, US), Karthik K (CA, US), Olga E. (CA, US).
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