Ayat Kursi 10 Jam Nonstop

Ayat Kursi 10 Jam Nonstop

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Application of Ayat Kursi 10 Hours Nonstop Mp3

About this app

Ayat Kursi 10 Hours Nonstop is an application that contains readings of Ayat Kursi in Mp3 form.

The virtue of the chair verse as explained by Ibn Kathir in his commentary, "This chair verse has a very high position. In the authentic hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam it is stated that it is the greatest verse contained in the Koran" (Tafsir Al-Quran Al-'Azhim).

There are many virtues of Ayat Kursi, including the following.
1. The Most Great Verse in the Quran
As in the question posed by the Prophet to Ubay bin Ka'ab, "Which verse is the greatest in the Book of Allah?" Ubay replied, "The ayat of the chair." So he sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam patted Ubay's chest then said, "O Abu Mundhir, may you be happy with the knowledge you have." (HR. Muslim).
Ayat Kursi is categorized as the greatest verse because it contains the greatest names of Allah, namely Al Hayyu and Al Qayyum. However, scholars disagree which name of Allah is the greatest.

2. His Majesty Exceeds Heaven and Earth
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Allah did not create the heavens and the earth above the greatness of the Ayat Kursi (because in the verse it includes the Names and Attributes of Allah)"
Sufyan ats-Tsauri said, "Because the verse of the chair is (one of) the kalamullah (words of Allah), while the kalamullah is greater than Allah's creation in the form of
the heavens and the earth” (HR. At-Tirmidhi)

3. One of the Dhikr Readings Before Sleeping

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "When you go to bed (at night), read the Verse of the Chair, surely Allah will always protect you and the devil will not approach you until morning" (HR. Al-Bukhari).
Make the verse of the chair a routine dhikr that is read when going to sleep. In addition, the verse of the chair also includes reading the morning and evening dhikr.

4. One of the Reasons for Entering Heaven
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Whoever reads the Verse of the Chair after finishing the prayer, nothing will prevent him from entering heaven except death" (HR. An Nasa-i, judged authentic by Shaykh Al-Albani).
Some of the hadiths above show the virtue of Ayat Kursi. If we do it regularly, we will get a lot of advantages. Every Muslim should be passionate about things that are beneficial to himself, especially for the hereafter. Ayat Kursi itself is not a long and difficult verse to memorize. May Allah make it easy for us to practice it. Wallahul Muwaffiq.

Thank you for downloading this Ayat Kursi application, may it be a blessing for all of us.

Versions Ayat Kursi 10 Jam Nonstop