Mar 6, 2024

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Daniel Mboya

KCE College- CPA,ATD, CIFA and CS Video lectures, frequent assignments and CATS

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Detailed Description

KCE College- CPA,ATD, CIFA and CS Video lectures provide a strong interactive Tutor-Student contact learning and discussion. The videos intensively cover the syllabus with a strong combination of revision of past papers and commonly tested topics. The lecturers will provide you with strong guidance and issue you with frequent assignments and CATS. This will enable you to shape up in responding to examination questions.

Lecturers' contacts are indicated on the videos. We encourage students to freely engage them on any problematic areas they may encounter while viewing the videos or attempting past paper questions. Students are also required to submit assignments to their respective lecturers through whatsapp platform.

The videos have attracted huge popularity because of our lecturers' ability to simplify Kasneb content and quick response to to students’ queries.This has also enabled KCE college to continuously post exemplary performance as captured on KCE college website: www.kcecollege.co.ke

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