OpenU APK 1.10
Jan 9, 2024
/ 0+
BilimLand LLP
“Kazakhstan Ashkin University” Kosh keldinis.
Detailed Description
"Kazakhstan ashyқ universitetі" - elіmіzdің zhetekshі zhoғary oқu oryndary Myung mamandary bіrlese әzіrlegen online kurstarғa tegіn қol zhetkіzu mүmkіndіgіn ұsynatyn Bilim take platformasy.
Zhoba Bastamashysy - “Olttyk Audarmu Buryusy” Kogdamdy Kory. Ulttyk audarmu buryusy - “For humanities bilim. Қазақ тіліндегі 100 ң ң қ қ ж қ ж ж zhobasyn іske asyru Ushin құrylғan үkіmettіk emes әрі і коммерлық ём қоғамдық ұйым. Zhoba Ayasynda Olemdіk deңgeidegі zhetekshі university terdің үzdіk kіtaptary аққ tіlіne audaryluda.
Audarylғan kіtaptardyң negіzіnde азақ және oryс tіlderіnde zhzden asa online course әzіrlendі. Видер videodәріс қосымша сұрақтар, tapsyrmalar
- Kurstar chalykaralyқ standardқa sai әzіrlengen.
- Dәr_ster 24/7 ж ol zhetіmdi.
- Өzіңіzge ңғayly zherde zhne қolayly uaқytta about қuғa mүmkіndіk bar.
- About
On the road:
- Kitaphana;
- avtorlar paraасыshasy;
- video master pikir Kaldyru nysany;
- a course of pen kipta Izdau zholagy;
- outlines of the PDF formats zhuktep alu mүmkіndіgі.
“Open University of Kazakhstan” is an educational platform that offers free access to online courses from leading universities and teachers in the country for everyone without restrictions.
The initiator of the project is the PF “Ulttyk Audarmy Byurosy”. This is a non-governmental and non-profit foundation, which is in the framework of the project “New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language "translate into Kazakh the best textbooks of leading universities in the world.
On the basis of these textbooks, more than 100 courses have already been developed in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Video lectures are supplemented with notes, questions and tasks for testing knowledge.
Our features:
- All courses are developed in accordance with international standards;
- OpenU offers free access to online courses 24/7;
- The platform makes it possible to study at a convenient time for you, at a convenient place and at a speed convenient for you.
- Free to read e-books.
What's new:
- Added section "Library";
- Added the author's page;
- the ability to leave comments on video lectures;
- the ability to search for courses and books;
- the ability to download notes in PDF format.
Zhoba Bastamashysy - “Olttyk Audarmu Buryusy” Kogdamdy Kory. Ulttyk audarmu buryusy - “For humanities bilim. Қазақ тіліндегі 100 ң ң қ қ ж қ ж ж zhobasyn іske asyru Ushin құrylғan үkіmettіk emes әрі і коммерлық ём қоғамдық ұйым. Zhoba Ayasynda Olemdіk deңgeidegі zhetekshі university terdің үzdіk kіtaptary аққ tіlіne audaryluda.
Audarylғan kіtaptardyң negіzіnde азақ және oryс tіlderіnde zhzden asa online course әzіrlendі. Видер videodәріс қосымша сұрақтар, tapsyrmalar
- Kurstar chalykaralyқ standardқa sai әzіrlengen.
- Dәr_ster 24/7 ж ol zhetіmdi.
- Өzіңіzge ңғayly zherde zhne қolayly uaқytta about қuғa mүmkіndіk bar.
- About
On the road:
- Kitaphana;
- avtorlar paraасыshasy;
- video master pikir Kaldyru nysany;
- a course of pen kipta Izdau zholagy;
- outlines of the PDF formats zhuktep alu mүmkіndіgі.
“Open University of Kazakhstan” is an educational platform that offers free access to online courses from leading universities and teachers in the country for everyone without restrictions.
The initiator of the project is the PF “Ulttyk Audarmy Byurosy”. This is a non-governmental and non-profit foundation, which is in the framework of the project “New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language "translate into Kazakh the best textbooks of leading universities in the world.
On the basis of these textbooks, more than 100 courses have already been developed in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Video lectures are supplemented with notes, questions and tasks for testing knowledge.
Our features:
- All courses are developed in accordance with international standards;
- OpenU offers free access to online courses 24/7;
- The platform makes it possible to study at a convenient time for you, at a convenient place and at a speed convenient for you.
- Free to read e-books.
What's new:
- Added section "Library";
- Added the author's page;
- the ability to leave comments on video lectures;
- the ability to search for courses and books;
- the ability to download notes in PDF format.
App Screenshots
