Avive Mining advise
  • 4.2

Avive Mining advise

  • Latest Version
  • Ismi Apps

Tips for Crypto-Bitcoin Miner in Avive World

About this app

AVIVE is an L2 scaling solution based on Ethereum that utilizes zkSNARK technology. It ensures the speed and reliability of submissions from L2 to L1 because of the implementation of zkRollup technology.
Also, according to Vitalik Buterin's classification of existing zkSNARK technology, AVIVE belongs to the fourth type (type4), which has very fast prover times. It is because of the unique feature of type4, AChina has the following outstanding features when comparing with other chains:
AVIVE is not limited to solidity development and will support more compiled languages ​​such as Golang, Rust, C++, etc
AVIVE will reduce the development threshold of smart contracts, allowing more engineers with non-Solidity skills to participate in development and lowering technical barriers.

Versions Avive Mining advise