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About this app

The online learning platform In Brain is designed for teaching foreign languages

The online learning platform In Brain is designed for teaching foreign languages, exact sciences and technologies related to the IT industry. The platform provides a wide range of training for B2C and B2B.

On the online learning platform In Brain, users can learn any subject from scratch through a unique curriculum. The curriculum, created by specialists, provides for various areas of the use of foreign languages ​​and unique courses for each sphere:
1. School curriculum
2. Travel
3. Business
4. Conversational
5. Professional
6. Preparation for exams

To compare progress on the platform, a function of communication with other users is available. One of the ways to accumulate bonus points is to win the competition. A user of any level can be challenged to an intellectual competition. Competitions are held in PVP mode (Player VS Player). If a participant competes with an opponent of a higher level, then in case of victory, the participant receives additional points. For the victory of an opponent of the same level, additional points are not added.

There is also an expert feedback feature to improve the learning process and materials. If there are any inconveniences or questions regarding the training, users can leave a comment under each lesson. A group of experts is always in touch with users.

A forum is available on the platform where users and the administration can ask and answer questions that arise during the learning process or regarding subjects that are available on the platform and the platform itself. In the forum section, the user can ask a question and receive an answer from the administration and other users. To avoid misinformation, the administration and the user who asked the question can mark the most popular answer among the correct ones. The user, whose answer is marked as correct, receives bonus points. Questions and answers to them will go through filtering as the forum is intended only for questions and answers regarding items on the platform.

Courses consist of text, audio, and video materials. The courses for each subject are unique. Foreign language courses are divided into levels, each of which has from six to twelve sections. Each section consists of four sections. Each section contains sections of grammar and grammar exercises, vocabulary, and exercises for it, reading, writing, listening and speaking. For each correctly completed task, the user receives bonus points.

This system exists to keep users motivated during the learning process. A certain number of users who have collected the largest number of bonus points for a certain period will receive a reward, depending on the prize place.

In order to informing users of the platform, all processes are published in the form of posts. The posts section announces:
1. Competition winners.
2. News regarding the platform.
3. Examples of lessons from the courses.

Parents have the opportunity to monitor the progress of their children. They have certain access to the statistics of the user's activity.

Users with the “business company” status also have access to monitoring.

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