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كيف تصبح رائد أعمال

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How to become an entrepreneur - Getting started steps on how to become an entrepreneur

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How to become an entrepreneur - Getting started steps on how to become an entrepreneur

Vision / Why
Learning how to become an entrepreneur starts with the reason you want to be an entrepreneur. It is important to define this ... and it must be more than the desire for money, because money is just a tool.

Spend some time identifying the cause behind you. There are a million reasons and any suggestion I make might fool you in exploring why you want to be an entrepreneur. Take a journal and spend some time alone. In the middle of the paper, write the word "why." Below the random thoughts that come to you as you look at that word. Spend some time on this. Once you feel you've really identified the cause, it's time to clean it up and produce a clearly written vision statement. This is the foundation and the crucial step that you do not want to miss, because you will depend on your vision to overcome every obstacle.

To shape your vision, visualize the reasons you wrote about your reason for wanting, and see how they will arise in the future. How do you look Write specifically how it looks and this will be the formation of your vision statement. Here is the important part - you can trick your mind. In order to truly see your vision become reality, your mind must see your vision as reality. To do this, write your vision statement in the present tense. When you read it, you will read it as if it is happening now. Once you have completed your vision statement, read it every morning and every evening - soon your subconscious mind will believe that you are there and you will start making decisions voluntarily and involuntarily as if you were aware of your vision in the moment.

Self mastery
Self-mastery is nothing but personal discipline. By far, this is perhaps the most difficult part of anyone's entrepreneurial journey. While your subconscious is tricked into seeing your vision as real, you still have to keep doing the things that you need to do.

You need discipline to fight laziness and procrastination, and discipline to fight fear and keep taking action. You see, the first person you will have to lead and manage is yourself.

Self-mastery is achieved through establishing an accountability system. First, you have to write down the things to do. Then you need a way to make sure you do it and record your progress. Some people use to-do lists, calendar flags, digital notes ... you just have to find something that works for you. Plus, it pays to have an accountability partner - someone who knows your goals and deadlines and isn't afraid to call you.

Self-mastery also includes making sure that you are keeping your behavior and mind in the right direction. This requires a constant stream of positive influence in your life. Whether using personal development material or trusting new friendships and relationships gives you a positive mental boost, you need to put positive things in front of you. You know the old saying, "Garbage in, rubbish in, go out." Well, it holds true for your mind, too. Don't let your soul and mind be a waste ground. Eliminate negative influences in your life (you can control most of these things).

How to become an entrepreneur
Despite one trivial, tiny, and tiny exception (you), the world is made up of others. You cannot learn to be an entrepreneur without knowing how to help others. The first two steps covered your dream, but you can't do it without him on the team. The concept of a self-made person is, in fact, a misnomer. Man is neither determined nor capable of everything by himself. We all have different skill sets, abilities, opportunities, and desires. It really takes teamwork to make the dream come true.

Relationship building is perhaps the most important skill an entrepreneur will ever learn. Learning how to become an entrepreneur is really learning how to become a regular person. This is probably the first personal development program that I would encourage a budding leader or entrepreneur to invest in initially.

Relationship building starts with getting better in communication. It would be nice to understand that we have two ears and one mouth - that is, we should listen twice as much as we speak. Ultimately improving your communications with others will provide you with the power to build a huge network. Entrepreneurs form huge networks of people they can count on and work together to achieve mutual success.

To learn more please download this application How to become an entrepreneur

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