Flutter Plugin Gallery - Make flutter journey easy
  • 5.0

Flutter Plugin Gallery - Make flutter journey easy

  • Latest Version
  • Gaurav Tantuway

A Flutter app where you'll find almost all useful flutter plugins with example.

About this app

This Application will help flutter developers to find almost all useful flutter plugins at one place.


- Separated folders for plugins
- Demonstrate plugin with example
- View source code of every plugin
- Copy source code
- Free of Cost

Below are the Plugins that you can find in our app.

- flutter_staggered_animations
- flutter_icons
- flutter_radar_chart
- flutter_easyrefresh
- flutter_statusbarcolor
- flutter_app_badger
- flutter_expandable_menu
- flutter_pdfview
- flutter_linkify
- flutter_screenutil
- flutter_slidable
- flutter_styled_toast
- flutter_spinkit
- flutter_progress_button
- flutter_auth_buttons
- flutter_chips_input
- fluttertoast
- flutter_circular_slider
- flutter_staggered_grid_view
- flutter_swiper
- flutter_custom_clippers
- flutter_colorpicker
- flip_card
- carousel_slider
- cupertino_icons
- expandable
- expandable_bottom_bar
- animations
- animator
- flip_box_bar
- bottom_navy_bar
- image_cropper
- image_picker
- intl
- like_button
- path_provider
- permission_handler
- percent_indicator
- progress_button
- cached_network_image
- searchable_dropdown
- sensors
- settings_ui
- shared_preferences
- soundpool
- table_calendar
- titled_navigation_bar
- transparent_image
- syntax_highlighter
- simple_animations
- tweenmax
- tweener
- slide_button
- slider_button
- universal_widget
- flip_panel
- animated_background
- achievement_view
- awesome_dialog
- app_review
- auto_size_text
- animated_text_kit
- battery
- bmnav
- collection
- connectivity
- concentric_transition
- curved_navigation_bar
- fancy_bottom_navigation
- package_info
- google_fonts
- url_launcher
- dart_code_viewer
- share
- spring_button
- shimmer
- getflutter
- fab_circular_menu
- animated_button
- rounded_loading_button
- toast
- badges
- circular_profile_avatar
- stack_overlay
- device_info
- in_app_review
- launch_review
- webview_flutter
- animated_floatactionbuttons
- autocomplete_textfield
- intro_views_flutter
- page_transition
- transformer_page_view
- interactive_add_button_layout
- datetime_picker_formfield
- progress_state_button
- video_player
- whatsapp_unilink
- And so on.

DISCLAIMER : Some content in this application isn't our trademark.
Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our app.

Versions Flutter Plugin Gallery - Make flutter journey easy