Onsite Construction GPS Stamp
  • 4.0

Onsite Construction GPS Stamp

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Stamp and map onsite images with project details, GPS location, date and time

About this app

Do you want to track the progress of your onsite construction work? This app will capture your onsite construction project pictures with a unique stamp. This stamp includes your company name, logo, project name, notes, date and time, and location information.

A powerful in-app camera 📸 not only captures the visual essence of your onsite construction but also stamps it with the precision of GPS coordinates and timestamps. It ensures that every image tells a compelling story of your project's journey 🚀

❑ Features you will enjoy with the Onsite Construction GPS Stamp

🏗️ Project Name: Add your project name along with the date and time stamp to photos and videos.

🏬 Company Name: Mention the name and logo of your construction company to add a professional touch to your visual documentation.

📝 Notes: You can write notes on stamp for your visual records, which will ensure that every detail, insight, or observation is captured and retained.

📍 GPS Coordinates: GPS coordinates improve accuracy by converting your image into a geo-referenced location on the stamp.

📆 Date and Time: Add a date and time stamp to help you recall when and where you captured your onsite construction success.

📌 Address: Enable your location and it will add your address to construction pictures taken onsite.

🎯 Accuracy: This feature lets you set and display the level of accuracy for each image or video captured at onsite construction.

🎚️ Altitude: The altitude feature assists onsite construction professionals in making informed decisions regarding grading, excavation, and elevation changes.

The GPS Stamp is the best camera app for work, designed for professionals. It shows you when and where you have clicked on your success. You can share your pictures with your clients and colleagues, as well as other people, as you wish.

Onsite Construction GPS Stamp will benefit these professions:

➥ Construction professionals
➥ Project manager
➥ Civil Engineer
➥ Surveyors
➥ Photographers
➥ Architecture
➥ Real Estate Agents
➥ Geologists
➥ Businessmen

GPS Stamp works tirelessly in the background for your onsite work so that you can work without the hassles of manual documentation. The app integrates project details, company information, and notes with GPS coordinates, accuracy metrics, altitude, and timestamp details, making every picture a valuable source of information.

Download Onsite Construction GPS Stamp app now to map your onsite construction work. Add your project details to the stamp to capture and save your onsite construction progress. It's not about just taking pictures; it's about elevating your workflow. Work smart with the GPS Stamp because your work deserves nothing less. 📸🕔🚀

Versions Onsite Construction GPS Stamp