ExpoDose APK 1.0


Jan 10, 2025

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siHealth Ltd

Smart sun exposure dosimeter

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Detailed Description

ExpoDose® is a smart dosimeter for the automatic assessment of personal sun exposure in everyday life, either for self-monitoring or to support research studies. It doesn't need any solar sensors or wearable devices, just the smartphone that can be even kept in a purse or pocket.
You can find more information in a short YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iObUwhCb-24 and at https://www.expodose.com.

It can be used:
- to self-monitor your personal daily sun exposure in everyday life;
- and/or to support your participation in clinical / research studies (e.g. about sun exposure-related lifestyle, sunscreen use, outdoor workers' risk assessment, skin diseases management/prevention).
The app is based on the siHealth’s HappySun® patented technology for the satellite-based monitoring of solar radiation, anywhere and anytime (https://www.happysun.co.uk).

Use of the app
The ExpoDose® app automatically tracks your sun exposure during daytime as long as the smartphone is connected to internet and the app is kept active in background. In particular, the app automatically detects whenever you are outdoor and tracks the incident spectral solar radiation you accumulate on your body, in multiple spectral bands (eg UV-B, UV-A, erythemal) and on multiple body sites (scalp, face, shoulders).
In case you wish to do so, you can share your monitored sun exposure with a clinical / research institution having an active ExpoDose® license. In that case, you'll need to log into the app with a specific "access code" that will be provided to you by the clinical / research institution (e.g. if you are a participant in a clinical trial or research study), and the institution's staff will be able to see your accumulated sun exposure data via a dedicated web-portal.
Please contact us at support@expodose.com or visit https://www.expodose.com to receive more information about how to activate an ExpoDose® license for research / clinical institutions.

Main features of ExpoDose®
- Sensor-less solar exposure monitoring using real-time satellite data, including automatic detection of indoor/outdoor position based on smartphone's sensors (manually editable to further increase accuracy if needed)
- Whole-body sun exposure mapping, thanks to the assessment of direct, diffuse and ground-reflected components of sunlight
- Solar irradiance assessment in multiple spectral bands and with several photobiological action spectra, including UV-B, UV-A, UV-A1, UV-A2, visible, HEV blue, erythemal-weighted, vitamin D-weighted, photopic-weighted, PpIX-weighted
- No periodic calibration needed thanks to Earth Observation satellite imagery and GNSS analytics
- Global geographic coverage
- Exposure dose updated every 1 minute

Real-world scientific validation
The satellite-based technology used for ExpoDose® has been validated in collaboration with international institutions, like Public Health England (now UKHSA), NHS Tayside, King's College London, European Space Agency, UK Space Agency, MedCin Dermatology. Several research studies were conducted in real-world conditions around the world in all weather conditions for validating the high accuracy and reliability of this technology, including:
- Morelli M et al. (2016) Photoch. Photobio. Sci. 15(9), 1170
- Morelli M et al. (2021) J. Atmos. Sol-Terr. Phys. 215, 105529
- Young AR, Schalka S et al. (2022) Photoch. Photobio. Sci. 21, 1853

Data Protection & GDPR compliance
The siHealth's ExpoDose® solution is fully compliant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – EU Regulation 2016/679) and to applicable data protection laws. All information collected on users within this solution is subject to dedicated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
siHealth Ltd is officially registered in the Data Protection Register of the United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) with registration number ZA834797.

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