EMF meter Radiation Finder
  • 4.0

EMF meter Radiation Finder

  • Latest Version
  • DiatomProgramitics

Detect and measure EMF's and protect against harmful radiation via EMF detector.

About this app

EMF meter Radiation Finder is a smartphone app that helps users detect and measure electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in their environment. EMFs are invisible fields of energy that are emitted by electronic devices, power lines, and other sources. These fields can be harmful to human health if they are strong enough, so it is important to be able to measure them in order to determine whether or not you are being exposed to harmful levels of radiation. The app uses your phone's built-in magnetometer and electromagnetic sensor to measure the strength of EMFs in milligauss (mG).
One of the key features of the Emf meter Radiation Finder app is its ability to detect EMFs. The app allows you to measure the strength of EMFs coming from a variety of sources, including cell phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. If you are concerned about the levels of radiation you are being exposed to, the app can help you identify the sources of EMFs in your environment and take steps to reduce your exposure.
In addition to detecting EMFs, the Emf meter Radiation Finder app also includes a number of other features designed to help you protect yourself from harmful levels of radiation. For example, the app includes a "radiation alarm" that can alert you when you are in an area with high levels of EMFs, and a "radiation map" that shows you the strength of EMFs in different areas around you. The app also provides tips and advice on how to reduce your exposure to EMFs, such as using a hands-free headset when talking on the phone or moving your bed away from power outlets.
Overall, the Emf meter Radiation Finder app is a valuable tool for anyone who is concerned about their exposure to EMFs and wants to take steps to protect their health. Whether you are a student, a parent, or a professional, this app can help you stay informed and make informed decisions about your environment.

Versions EMF meter Radiation Finder