eCampus Club APK 1.0.8

eCampus Club

Sep 11, 2024

/ 0+

Università degli Studi eCampus

eCampus Club is an app of the Telematic University eCampus.

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Detailed Description

eCampus Club is an app of the Telematic University eCampus that allows members (ex officio Members of the Club) to get to know each other, to discuss and more generally, to be able to start cooperative and collaborative activities, even among colleagues of the same degree course but residents in different locations (including abroad).

Please note that the application allows you to know and share the reciprocal (approximate) geographic position between the users of the "eCampusClub" club during the execution of the app and use the connected services.

To use the eCampus Club application it is not necessary to be a student of the Telematic University eCampus but upon registration you can log in as a Guest with obviously limited functionality.

The characteristic function of the app is to share the approximate geographical position with the other users within the map and subsequently, only to the Members and in selective mode (for example limiting themselves to the closest geographically connected colleagues or only to the same CDS) , it is allowed to communicate, exchange ideas or share activities through the appropriate chat.

The eCampus Club app is divided into five sections: the first section is the "Chat" section as previously described only for Members, the second is the "Map" section where you can view the approximate users' position, the third is the "Notice Board" section where users can open threads, the fourth is the "Guide" section of the application and the last one is the user's personal data.

"Guest" users can post posts / threads inside the bulletin board with questions about the Club or the activities of the eCampus University which the Club Members can then answer in order to satisfy their curiosity.

We recommend users (both Members and Guests) to consult the online guide to take advantage of the features available in this first release of the app.

To learn more about the privacy policy, go to the following link:

Warning: the University reserves the right to remove unlawful, defamatory and / or libelous, vulgar, detrimental to the privacy of others, racist, classist or otherwise reprehensible content without prior notice and at its sole discretion; that contain promotions related to religions or sects, terrorist or extremist movements and contents inspired by fanaticism, racism, hatred or irreverence; that can cause harm, in any way, to minors of age; that provide confidential, confidential information also learned by virtue of an employment relationship or confidentiality agreement; that contain personal data or telephone numbers of their own and of third parties; that are detrimental to patents, trademarks, secrets, copyrights or other industrial and / or intellectual property rights of third parties; that have advertising content and more generally that use messages for commercial purposes (promotion, sponsorship and sale of products and services); that communicate using coded messages; who use bad language or blasphemous. Consequently, access to this app will be perpetually prohibited to the authors of such content, both as Members and Guests.

App Screenshots

Old Versions
