مهمل - أول بريد إلكتروني مؤقت
  • 3.2

مهمل - أول بريد إلكتروني مؤقت

  • Latest Version
  • DokkanAgency

The first temporary email in Arabic

About this app

What is deprecated - is an email that expires after a certain period of time it was created and you can use it during that time
Ignored Uses - You can use it when signing up for any site so that you don't have to put your personal email to be filled with spam later.
Deprecated Expiry - Mail expires 45 minutes after it has been created, which can be extended.
Privacy - After the temporary mail you created expires, all your messages will be deleted from that mail so that no other user can see them if mail was created using the same name you chose previously.
What stands for deprecated - the site name is taken from the spam messages that we receive daily to our e-mail through the sites we have subscribed to using our personal e-mail.

Versions مهمل - أول بريد إلكتروني مؤقت