Arenas Gran Canaria

Arenas Gran Canaria

  • Latest Version
  • Dinantia

Communication app between Colegio Arenas and Arenas Atlántico and families

About this app

App created to improve the communication of fathers, mothers or guardians of the students of the Arenas and Arenas Atlántico School, from the stages of children to high school. Allowing to receive on your mobile or tablet the circulars, menus, news, calendar, important notices, photos, etc ...
This app enriches and improves communication between school and families.

The app operates on both Android and iOS and can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

The data always travels encrypted, therefore it is the safest communication system between the center and the parents or students.

Our hallmarks are an international, multilingual, open and modern formation; a broad content curriculum (not only knowing but also knowing how to do); mastery of foreign languages ​​as a vehicle of communication; forming respectful and self-confident citizens; a wide range of extracurricular and sports activities; as well as personalized attention to the student and families.

Versions Arenas Gran Canaria