Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming

  • Latest Version
  • Code Library (Rohan Saini)

Learn Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) with lessons, program output mcq & more

About this app

Object Oriented Programming is one of the main concepts in the programming world, therefore, every interview that you attend requires knowledge of OOPs.
Become an Object Oriented Programming ninja with this OOPs Preparation app. Learn the concepts of OOPs from basic to high level, further test your knowledge with our selectively picked and created conceptual MCQ code (program) output questions. This app also contains the most asked interview questions on OOPs updated on 2021. If you’re preparing for an OOPS programming interview or just preparing for your upcoming coding test, this is a must have app for you.

What will you learn with OOPs Preparation app?
✔ Learn all the core concepts of OOPs. (Topic Wise)
✔ Practice the collection of MCQ output questions with Explanation.
✔ Learn the Most asked Interview Questions.
✔ Crack interviews of major companies.

Salary :

Through this you could further go to various other fields which have promising Salaries:

→ iOS Developer- $78,739
→ Lead Software Development Engineer (SDE) -$104,411
→ Software Developer- $64,108
→ Senior Software Engineer- $110,192

◆ Nothing much but only your passion to learn

Versions Object Oriented Programming