Cómo ganar amigos e influir

Cómo ganar amigos e influir

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Discover, develop and take advantage of those latent powers that you do not use

About this app

1. Get out of a mental rut, conceive new ideas, acquire new insights,
discover new ambitions.
2. Make friends quickly and easily.
3. Increase your popularity.
4. Get others to think like you.
5. Increase your influence, your prestige, your ability to get things done.
6. Proceed in the face of complaints, avoid arguments, preserve friendly and pleasant human relations.
7. Become a better speaker, a more cheerful conversationalist.
8. Arouse enthusiasm among your associates.

When Dale Carnegie wrote "How to Win Friends and Influence People," his main goal was to provide a supplemental text to his course on Public Speaking and Human Relations. He never dreamed that it would become the biggest best-seller, and that people would read it, quote it, and live by its rules long after his own death. The book has become a classic; It is known in practically every country in the world. It has been read and reread by tens of millions of readers, including very powerful men in government and business, as well as workers and peasants, students and teachers: literally all kinds of people. To this day, more than forty years after its appearance, it continues to be bought and studied by hundreds of thousands of readers each year.
How This Book Was Written...and Whyby Dale CarnegieOver the past thirty-five years, America's publishing companies have printed more than one-fifth of a million different works. Many of these books were excruciatingly tedious; and many were financial failures. Did I say "many"? The president of one of the world's largest publishers confessed to me that his company, after seventy-five years of publishing experience, still loses money on seven out of every eight books it publishes. Had the temerity to write another book?And, after writing it, why bother to read it?Fair questions, both: and I will try to answer them.Since 1912 I have been conducting educational courses for businessmen and women in New York. York — At first I taught courses in public speaking only—courses designed to prepare adults, through experience, to think on their feet and express their ideas more clearly, more effectively, and more easily, both in business conversations and before larger groups. But gradually, as the years went by, I realized that as much as these adults needed training to speak effectively, they still needed How to Win Am igos and influencing people Dale Carnegie6 plus learning that fine art of dealing with people in business and in their social contacts. Gradually I also realized that I needed this learning myself. Looking back on those years now, I am terrified to note my frequent lapses in tact and understanding. How I regret that I could not get my hands on a book like this twenty years ago! What a priceless gift it would have been! Dealing with people is probably the greatest problem you are facing, especially if you are a business person. Yes, and also if you are an accountant, a housewife, an architect or an engineer. Research and study conducted a few years ago under the auspices of the Carnegie Foundation revealed a very important and significant fact—a fact later confirmed by additional studies conducted at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. These investigations showed that even in such technical fields as engineering, about 15 percent of one's financial success is due to technical knowledge, and about 85 percent is due to skill in human technology: personality and the ability to treat with the people.

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