Alien Catcher 3D :: Find Alien

Alien Catcher 3D :: Find Alien

  • Latest Version
  • Bluemoon Games

Let's Find the Alien. Aliens Are Impostures, Be An Alien Catcher

About this game

👽Alien Catcher 3D is an Alien finder game. Find the alien from among us. They are among us Scan aliens with a blaster scanner and kill them by using the magic finger. When you are scanning the aliens they are going to invasion you. The imposters among us find them with a UFO Scanner.

A ufo came and some aliens l👽Alien Catcher 3D is an Alien finder game. Find the alien from among us. They are among us Scan aliens with a blaster scanner and kill them by using the magic finger. When you are scanning the aliens they are going to invasion you. The imposters among us find them with a UFO Scanner.

A ufo came and some aliens landed on earth. Aliens are imposters, they are among us for many years and look like humans. Imposters have goals To govern you slowly and wisely. What is your responsibility, scan them
With a ufo scanner and invasion them with the magic finger and throw them into jail

The question came to mind, how do humans find the aliens among us. A human got the ufo scanner, when he scanned the humans he figured out that aliens are in the form of humans and in various shapes, they are imposters. The imposter is like a normal human. Aliens can take any shape. Kill the importer's creature by scanning them from a ufo scanner or blaster scanner and upgrade the levels to increase the power.

How to play Alien Catcher 3d

You have to Find the alien, Use the ufo scanner or blaster scanner, and scan everything they are imposter creatures they can be chairs policemen, cars, Mobile anything, and after scanning kill them using a magic finger or magic hand tap on the screen and throw imposter creatures. It's a very interesting game. You are like the galaxy's guardian or the alien finder. Pick up the Scanner, and go to Room, hospital, Road, Police-station, they are everywhere Find the alien.

Objectives of Find Alien 3D

👽 GO Pickup the scanner
👽 Find the Alien/imposters
👽 Use the Magic Hand / Magic Finger
👽 kill them & upgrade the missions
👽 In the next mission Destroy the UFO

👽 its a crazy and interesting finding game. LET’s Download Find the Alien …………………!!

Versions Alien Catcher 3D :: Find Alien