Become APK

Jun 5, 2023

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a program capable of increasing your success at changing many behaviors

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Detailed Description

Do you want to make a change in your life? Stop smoking, save money instead of spending it, or be a better friend? Become is a revolutionary behavior change program capable of increasing your readiness and success at changing many behaviors. Become is based on a widely accepted therapy approach used by psychologists. You pick the behavior you want to change, tell Become your current motivation to change the behavior, and Become provides you with effective therapeutic activities to increase the likelihood you will make a successful change. Become includes up to 70 different therapeutic activities and can be used alone or in addition to counseling. This app is free and was created by Department of Defense and Veteran’s Affairs psychologists as well as experts from several universities.

Become was developed with funding from, and in relation to, the below projects:

Phillips, Russell, Edwards-Stewart, A., & Williams, Tammy. (05/20-11/21). Project # 12421. Generic behavior change mobile app for weight loss, smoking cessation, medication management. Funded by: AMTI. Funded for $234,706.

Edwards-Stewart, A. (Principle Investigator), Norcross, J., Skopp, N. A., Little, J. R., & Pavliscsak, H. H. (09/15-09/18). FMBB100100810: Prototype Generic Behavior Change Coach Application for Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, and Medication Management Using Transtheoretical Change Model. Funded by: Health Affairs Defense Medical Research & Development Program (HA DMRDP), Joint Program Committee-1 Medical training & Health Information Sciences (JPC-1). Funded for $1,494,275.21.
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