medibits APK


Jan 14, 2025

/ 0+

Smart reports, Disease details, Vitals information and much more

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Detailed Description

About the app

Medibits is an Artificial Intelligence driven app which uses latest cutting edge technologies to provide smart healthcare to its users. Some of the standout features of the app are:

1. Converting diagnostic reports to smart reports.
2. Use Disease details page to understand about different diseases, their symptoms, diagnosis etc.
3. Use symptom checker to know probable disease just by selecting the symptoms from provided list.
4. Read information about different diagnostic reports and vitals in our Knowledge centre.

1. Smart reports: Our app helps you to convert your pdf diagnostic reports to digitally smart reports and help you to understand different vitals listed in the report in a better way and our well curated suggestions can help you to control your vital and lead a better healthy life. Our AI driven proprietary algorithm extracts all the required data from your diagnostic reports and converts them to a digitally smart and easily readable format. You can see both your individual as well as smart reports and could do a cross check in case it is required. By simply clicking on the vitals users can read the details about the vitals like different facts associated with the vital, recommended foods to eat, suggested exercises etc.

2. Disease Details: Our disease details feature helps you to search and read about a disease in details. The information includes Disease related information, Symptoms, Reference links of the medical sites to read more about it. All the information has been curated from authentic sources and helps to understand better about a particular disease.

3. Symptom Checker: Our symptom checker gives an multilingual easy to use interface where users can selects symptoms which they are observing based on their current condition and could see the probable cause and read about the probable associated disease. Further, they could also read about the disease in detail.

4. Knowledge centre: Users can read about different diagnostic reports and vitals associated with the report. By clicking on report name users can see the vitals and can read the details about the vitals like different facts associated with the vital, recommended foods to eat, suggested exercises etc.

Note: Currently we support only Dr Lal path labs reports for smart report conversion but we are working on to add more and more reports from different diagnostic labs.

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