كتاب الطريقة الرفاعية

كتاب الطريقة الرفاعية

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Authored by the Muhammadan inheritor, Sayyid Muhammad Abu al-Huda Effendi al-Rifai al-Sayadi, may God be pleased with him

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About the book:
Its author, the scholar Muhammad Abu al-Huda al-Sayyadi, may God be pleased with him, says:
Praise be to God, who overflowed the hearts of those whom He chose from among His servants with abundant gratitude
And he established them in the human type as imams who guide his command to the truths of faith, Islam and charity.
He chose them as doors to know Him, for they are the moons of every time and time.
And prayers and peace be upon the greatest guide. Teacher of the Most Generous Good, Spirit of Souls. And the treasure of success.
God's door, which connects the disconnected. And the means by which the degenerate and the elevated seek intercession. Lord of creatures.
The Truthful, the Trustworthy Promise (Our Master, Supporter, Prophet, Messenger, and Maulana Muhammad, may God’s prayers be upon him and his pure family, his honorable Companions, the Followers, and all of their followers).

I wrote this well-received book that includes the rulings of the lofty Rifa’i method on the most honorable of principles and the best etiquette, and I named it (The Rifa’i method). That belonging is an intruder in the way and he is not one of its people, and God is with the righteous.

book's content:
Author's translation
Author introduction
The origins of the method and the approach of our master, Imam Ahmed Al-Rifai
Provisions of the aspect of monotheism by clearing God Almighty in himself and his attributes from the attributes of occurrence
Adopting the provisions of the Qur’an and following its greatest interpreter, peace be upon him
The presence of the heart and the use of the tongue in the remembrance of God Almighty
The annihilation is the love of the greatest beloved, our master Muhammad, peace be upon him, and the abundance of prayers and peace be upon him
Adopting the doctrine of the predecessors and literature with the successor
Loving the great family of the house while not hating any of the honorable companions
Honoring the values ​​of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, and preserving their sanctities
Exalting the importance of your sheikh and imam over all, and looking at all with an eye of sanctity and care, and seeing them as brothers to your imam
Refusal of superfluities and the acquittal of the perfect and righteous saints of these false statements
The approval of an imam of the four imams
Not to say that souls are spent, and if you seek help from the servants of God and His saints, do not witness aid and relief from them
Belief in destiny is good and bad
Thinking about the artifacts of God Almighty and His bounties, glory be to Him, and refraining from thinking about the Essence and delving into the attributes, for that is slippery and God forbid.
Remembrance of God out loud with the Brotherhood, politely and the sayings of some of the predecessors in this regard
The clothing of the people of the high Rifa’i method
Taking the pledge of allegiance and walking in the path of truth, in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him
Sufism is the creation of the creation of the greatest beloved, our master Muhammad, peace be upon him
Protecting the heart from heedlessness and saving times from wasting
Preserving the amount of grace and giving thanks for it
Reading the Qur’an and not interpreting it without what the greatest interpreter, peace be upon him, brought
Gathering on the remembrance of God Almighty and flying to the remembrance and the evidence for it
Taking a craft for living by means of lawful and forbidding the question
Part of the perfection of a person’s Islam is that he leaves what does not concern him
Not attributing broad claims and great words, the interpretation of which is to the great people of the people of God Almighty
Seeking blessing from the prophets, saints, and the righteous all, and visiting their graves in that which does not transcend the truth.
Obligatory etiquette, regular work, siding with the Sunnah, and staying away from heresy
Lecture with pure souls with the energy of the heart
Evidence of the connection of Imam Hassan Al-Basri with our master, the Commander of the Faithful, the Greatest Imam, Ali Al-Murtada, may God honor his face
Honoring Maulana Al-Rifai and mentioning his life, morals and lineage
Honoring Imam Al-Rifai, may God be pleased with him, to his loyal brothers, and two digressions for the author
Conclusion of the author, may God be pleased with him

Versions كتاب الطريقة الرفاعية