CEH v11 Exam Prep 2021
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CEH v11 Exam Prep 2021

  • Latest Version
  • ABC E-Learning

Thousands of free CEH v10 practice questions that help you easily pass

About this app

The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) program is the most comprehensive ethical hacking course on the
globe to help information security professionals grasp the fundamentals of ethical hacking. The CEH is
the first of a series of 3 comprehensive courses (CEH, ECSA and the APT course) to help a cyber security
professional master penetration testing.
You will have a maximum of 4 hours to answer the 125 multiple-choice questions on the exam. The
passing score for a particular instance of the exam is determined based on the difficulty of the exam that
typically lies within the range of 55-85%. The Exam poses questions about 7 “knowledge domains”. Here
is a list of them and the approximate percentage of questions on the actual test that deal with each:
Domain 1: Background (21.79%)
Domain 2: Analysis/Assessment (12.73%)
Domain 3: Security (23.73%)
Domain 4: Tools/Systems/Programs (28.91%)
Domain 5: Procedures/Methodology (8.77%)
Domain 6: Regulation/Policy (1.90%)
Domain 7: Ethics (2.17%)
This app is organized to closely follow the actual CEH objectives for exam. As such, it is easy to find the
information required for each of the specified CEH objectives. The objective focus design used by this
app is an important feature because the information you need to know is easily identifiable and
accessible. There is a lot to know and our free practice tests for the CEH Exam will help you find out
where you need to work more and make the most of your study time.
Application features:
• Contains the complete Revision questions by the expert with detailed explanations
• Practice by topics: Test your knowledge by practicing by topics. A topic that is divided into small
parts helps you not be bored when studying.
• Mock test: Mock test simulates the real test format. When you finish the test you will see your
score and review all the questions.
• New questions every time: to keep you on your toes, we randomize questions and answers each
time you restart a practice test
• No internet connection and registration required
• FREE and minimum ads that annoy you
We hope you find our practice questions helpful as you study to pass your test! If you ever have any
questions, please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected]. Happy studying and
good luck as you begin this exciting step toward furthering your education!

Versions CEH v11 Exam Prep 2021