eKiosk APK 2.5.1
Jan 11, 2024
/ 0+
Schweiz. Blinden- u. Sehbehindertenverband SBV-FSA
Read Swiss newspapers for the visually impaired
Detailed Description
With this app, visually impaired and blind people can many Swiss newspapers and magazines
Read accessibility. The association magazine of the Swiss Blind and
Visually Impaired Association is freely accessible. But have access to the whole deal only people
which are detectable severely visually impaired or blind and have committed themselves in writing, these
Only for their own use to share data.
For more information about the offer and the registration with the SBV are available at http://www.sbv-fsa.ch
under the heading 'electronic kiosk "or by mail at info@ekiosk.ch.
Read accessibility. The association magazine of the Swiss Blind and
Visually Impaired Association is freely accessible. But have access to the whole deal only people
which are detectable severely visually impaired or blind and have committed themselves in writing, these
Only for their own use to share data.
For more information about the offer and the registration with the SBV are available at http://www.sbv-fsa.ch
under the heading 'electronic kiosk "or by mail at info@ekiosk.ch.
App Screenshots
