Presto APK 1.1.8

Jul 31, 2024

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personalized mental health

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Detailed Description

PRESTOapp is a tool developed by mental health specialists to analyze, monitor and improve your mental health. The app integrates psychological evaluations and resources that are adapted to the most frequent mental health problems. The psychological interventions included have been developed by clinical psychologists and psychiatrists from the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, ​​a reference center for mental health. In addition, the app integrates an innovative chatbot (Vickybot) developed in collaboration with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) that incorporates artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to interact with the user by identifying emotions, detecting cognitive distortions and offering interventions according to the same.

The psychological contents have been carefully elaborated following the available scientific evidence. They start from an eclectic approach, based on the real practice of our center. It includes exercises and interactive audiovisual materials produced entirely by the project's team of mental health professionals.

PRESTOapp will constantly take care of your mental health and in the case of detecting a mental health problem, it will offer you specific interventions through objectives and interactive materials to address the problem in a friendly, systematic, sequential way and adjusted to your rhythm of life as well as your needs. values.
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