Pulselabs: UX Methods

Pulselabs: UX Methods

  • Latest Version
  • Pulse Labs AI

This app is designed to demo the capabilities of the Pulse FlightRecorder SDK

About this app

Pulse UX Methods is intended for anyone interested in improving their app through user feedback. By showcasing the Pulse FlightRecorder SDK, it illustrates a streamlined approach to capturing and utilizing feedback to refine app functionality and user experience.

Download Pulse UX Methods to see how the Pulse FlightRecorder can transform the feedback collection process in your app, making it more user-friendly and actionable for development teams.

Features of Pulse FlightRecorder:

Shake-to-Capture: The Pulse FlightRecorder SDK is activated when the user shakes their device. This action captures the last 15 seconds of screen activity, allowing users to report issues or suggest improvements with contextual evidence.

Feedback Classification: After capturing screen activity, users are prompted to describe the issue they've encountered and classify it as either a bug or a feature request. This process simplifies feedback reporting, making it more accessible for users and more valuable for developers.

Streamlining Feedback Collection: Pulse UX Methods demonstrates how integrating the Pulse FlightRecorder can enhance user engagement by making feedback collection straightforward and efficient. The direct feedback loop supports continuous improvement and helps prioritize development efforts based on actual user experiences.