Master Clarinet Tuner

Master Clarinet Tuner APK - Gratis aflaai

Laai af APK

Laas opgedateer: 7 Mar 2024


Program waarmee jy in staat sal wees om te stem jou klarinet vinnig.

Toepnaam: Master Clarinet Tuner

Aansoek ID: pl.netigen.simpleclarinettuner

Gradering: 3.3 / 485+

Outeur: Beat Blend Labs

Toepgrootte: 23.91 MB

Gedetailleerde beskrywing

★ Precision instrument wat vinnig sal jou help om harmonie jou klarinet ★
★ Ontwerp en getoets deur professionele musici ★
★ Twee modi: Tuner & Pitchfork ★
★ Perfect vir beide professionele en amateur ★

Meester klarinet ontvanger is 'n maklik-om-te gebruik program waarmee jy vinnig kan inskakel jou klarinet sal wees.
Die algoritme is aangepas om klanke van klarinet mees effektief te erken. Om die beste resultate van outomatiese tuning kry, speel die klank op klarinet paar keer.

Die aansoek sluit stelle liedjies:
- Klarinet, Bb,
- Klarinet, alle soorte.

Die aansoek het twee modi: gaffel en ontvanger.

- Pitchfork
Jy kan gaffel gebruik te stem jou klarinet in ons aansoek - net speel klarinet klank en kyk of jou instrument behoorlik gestem. Jy kan ook speel al klink outomaties (vanaf die laagste tot die hoogste string) en tydens opname - Verbeter jou klarinet.

- ontvanger
As jy enige hulp met tuning jou klarinet nodig, draai op die motor-ontvanger. Die aansoek sal die klank wat gespeel word deur jou te erken en jou help om harmonie klarinet

- Opnames van werklike klanke van klarinet,
- Vurk & ontvanger af,
- Die vermoë om verskillende klank name gestel: Amerikaanse, Europese en solmization,
- Stelle snare eienskap vir verskillende tipes klarinette,
- Die vermoë om die frekwensie van klank stel "n" (konsert blad) in Hz
- Die vermoë om die afwyking van die basis koers in sent bepaal.

Indien u enige probleme sal hê, kontak ons ​​asseblief:

★ Precision tool that quickly will help you tune your clarinet ★
★ Designed and tested by professional musicians ★
★ Two modes: Tuner & Pitchfork ★
★ Perfect both for professionals and amateurs ★

Master Clarinet Tuner is an easy-to-use application with which you will be able to tune your clarinet quickly.
The algorithm has been adapted to recognize sounds of clarinet most effectively. To get the best result of automatic tuning, play the sound on clarinet few times.

The application includes sets of tunes:
- Clarinet, Bb,
- Clarinet, All Types.

The application has two modes: pitchfork and tuner.

- Pitchfork
You can use pitchfork to tune your clarinet in our application – just play clarinet sound and check if your instrument is tuned properly. You can also play all sounds automatically (from lowest to highest string) and during recording – tune your clarinet.

- Tuner
If you need any help with tuning your clarinet, turn on the auto tuner. The application will recognize the sound played by you and help you tune clarinet

- recordings of real sounds of clarinet,
- pitchfork & tuner mode,
- the ability to set different sound names: American, European and solmization,
- sets of strings characteristic for different types of clarinets,
- the ability to set the frequency of sound "a" (concert pitch) in Hz
- the ability to determine the deviation from the base frequency in cents.

If you will have any problems, please contact us:
Laai af APK


Master Clarinet Tuner Master Clarinet Tuner Master Clarinet Tuner Master Clarinet Tuner Master Clarinet Tuner Master Clarinet Tuner
