BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet]

BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] APK 1.0.6 - Gratis aflaai

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Laas opgedateer: 10 Okt 2023


U kry BD alle resultate en ekwivalente resultaat met behulp van hierdie toepassing

Toepnaam: BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet]

Aansoek ID: com.techbid.bdallresult

Gradering: 0.0 / 0+

Outeur: TechBid

Toepgrootte: 4.06 MB

Gedetailleerde beskrywing

BD -resultaat [BD Alle resultaat met Marksheet] In hierdie toepassing kry u BD alle eksamenresultate aanlyn. In hierdie metode kry u resultate van die webwerf vir onderwysraad. Dit is baie maklik om aan die internet gekoppel te word.
1. Kies u bord.
2. Kies u eksamen.
3. Kies eksamenjaar.
4. Tik u rolnommer in.
5. Tik u registrasie nr.
Dan het u u resultaat aanlyn gesien.

BD-resultaat [BD alle resultate met merkblad] funksies van die app-
1. Die app is baie buigsaam om BD alle eksamenresultate en ekwivalente resultaat van alle onderwysrade te kry.
2. Dhaka Board, Chittagong Board, Rajshahi Board, Sylhet Board, Comilla Board, Jessore Board, Barisal Board, Technical Board, Madrasah Board, Dibs (Dhaka) Board Resultate 2020 BD All Board.
3. Pragtige UI waarvan u sal hou.
4. Vinniger laai.
5. Ondersoek uitslag nuus van PSC -resultaat 2020.
6. Topskole -ranglys van alle raadseksamen

Alle direksiesresultate wat in hierdie app ondersteun [BD alle resultate]:
1. Dhaka Board All Result 2020
2. Comilla Board All Result 2020
3. Chittagong Board All Result 2020
4. Rajshahi Board All Result 2020
5. Jessore Board All Result 2020
6. Barisal Board All Result 2020
7. Sylhet Board All Result 2020
8. Dinajpur Board All Result 2020
9. Mymensingh Board All Result 2020
10. Madrasha Board All Result 2020

BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] The more features it includes are:
You can see JSC, PSC, JDC, SSC, HSC, NU, BOU, MBBS, BDS, NTRCA Results.
You can also see PSC/Ebtedayee Results.
You can also see (BTEB) Diploma Results.
You can check all Education Board Results.
You can also see Alim Results.
You can also see Dakhil Results.
You can also see SSC Vocational Results.
You can also see HSC Vocational Results.
You can also see the Degree Admission Test Result.
You can also see Honor's Admission Test Result.
You can also see MBBS, BDS Admission Test Result.
You can also see the BCPS Final Exam Result.
You can also see Masters Preliminary Admission Results.
You can also see Masters Final Admission Results.
You can also see BOU Final Exam Results.
You can also see Masters Professional Admission Results.
You can also see NU Honor's Exam Results.
You can also see NU Degree Exam Results.
You can also see NU Masters Exam Results.
You can also see Bangladesh Open University Exam Results (BOU Exam Results).
You can also see NTRCA Results.
U kan ook polietegniese toelatingstoetsresultate sien.

Gebruikers kan ook die BD -resultaat van die vorige jaar kry. Die volgende jaar se BD Alle resultaat kan van BD gekontroleer word, alle resultate [PSC, JSC, SSC, HSC, NU, BOU, NTRCA] App
BD Alle eksamenresultaat 2021, BD Alle eksamen Resultaat 2020, BD Alle eksamen Resultaat 2019, BD Alle eksamen Resultaat 2018, BD Alle eksamen Resultaat 2017, BD Alle eksamen Resultaat 2016, BD Alle eksamen Resultaat 2015.

Disclaimer: Alle inhoud van die webwerwe word deur die onderskeie webwerwe besit. Ons het geen kopiereg op die inhoud/logo ander webwerwe nie. Stuur ons gerus vir enige besonderhede. Hierdie derdeparty -webwerwe het afsonderlike en onafhanklike privaatheidsbeleide en -voorwaardes. Lees asseblief hul privaatheidsbeleide en bepalings en voorwaardes noukeurig.

Opmerking: as u wil hê dat u beeld (s) en skakels uit hierdie app verwyder moet word, kontak ons ​​gerus per e -pos
Opmerking: dit is 'n nie -amptelike app vir die Bangladesh -onderwysraad
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BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet] BD Result [BD All Result With Marksheet]
